- 改良型長效誘殺器外觀顏色對東方果實蠅誘殺效果之田間測試與評估
- 改良型麥氏誘殺器對東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)(雙翅目:果實蠅科)誘殺效果評估
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- Metaphase Karyotypes of Fruit Flies of Thailand (Ⅲ): Six Members of the Bactrocera Dorsalis Complex
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- 五種植物葉片萃取物對東方果實蠅Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)(雙翅目:果實蠅科)之誘引效果
題 名 | 改良型長效誘殺器外觀顏色對東方果實蠅誘殺效果之田間測試與評估=Field Tests and Evaluation of the Attract-and-kill Effectiveness of Improved Long-lasting, High-efficiency Traps Coated in Different Colors against the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera Dorsalis (Hendel) |
作 者 | 莊益源; 侯豐男; | 書刊名 | 臺灣昆蟲 |
卷 期 | 28:4 2009.02[民98.02] |
頁 次 | 頁259-276 |
分類號 | 433.3 |
關鍵詞 | 東方果實蠅; 誘殺器; 誘殺效率; 顏色反射光譜; Bactrocera dorsalis; Trap; Attract-and-kill effectiveness; Color reflectance spectrum; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗針對開模量產之改良型長效果實蠅誘殺器進行田間測試,比較與改良式麥 氏誘殺器、渦旋式蜂蠅誘捕器及一善牌瓜果實蠅誘捕器等三種市售產品對東方果實蠅 (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) (Diptera: Tephritidae) 雄蠅之誘殺效果,測試結果 以渦旋式蜂蠅誘捕器平均誘殺蟲數最多為86.1隻,與其次之改良型長效誘殺器的70.4 隻無顯著差異,但與改良式麥氏誘殺器的 44.3 隻及一善牌瓜果實蠅誘捕器的 18.3 隻 間呈顯著差異。將改良型長效誘殺器外觀塗裝黃、橙、白、紫、綠、藍、紅、黑色等 8 種不同顏色進行田間測試,測試結果僅改變上蓋顏色時,黃色誘殺效果最佳,與其 次的藍色與紫色無顯著差異,而與其餘橙、白、紅、綠、黑色間有顯著差異。當全組 塗裝上述 8 種不同顏色時,黃色之平均誘殺蟲數最多為 74.1 隻,與其它各顏色間有 顯著差異;其它各顏色間差異不顯著。將改良型長效誘殺器全組塗裝黃色後再與上述 三種市售誘殺器進行田間測試,結果平均誘殺蟲數最多者為塗裝黃色之改良型長效誘 殺器與渦旋式蜂蠅誘捕器,平均誘殺蟲數分別為 74.8 及 64.9 隻,二者間無顯著差異, 但與改良式麥氏誘殺器的 28 隻及一善牌瓜果實蠅誘捕器的 9.1 隻間呈顯著差異。試 驗結果顯示,黃色對東方果實蠅雄蠅之誘引效果較佳,將改良型長效誘殺器全組塗裝 黃色後有助於提升誘殺效果。此結果可供本誘殺器改進之參考,或提供未來其他誘殺 器設計時,應用顏色反射光譜效應以增強對果實蠅誘引效果之參酌。 |
英文摘要 | Field tests were conducted to evaluate and compare the attract-and-kill effectiveness of an improved long-lasting, high-efficiency trap with various other traps available in the market, including the Improved McPhail trap, Victor trap and Yi-shan trap for male adults of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). The results showed that the Victor trap and the improved long-lasting, high-efficiency trap were better than the other two traps regarding the mean number of attract-and-kill effectiveness at 86.1 and 70.4 males, compared to the Improved McPhail trap and Yi-shan trap at 44.3 and 18.3 males, respectively. When the upper cap of the improved longlasting, high-efficiency traps were coated with 8 different colors for the field tests, it was found that, although the yellow cap showed a slightly higher attract-and-kill effectiveness than the others, it was not significantly different from the purple and blue caps. However, it was significantly different from the orange, white, red, green, and black caps. When the improved long-lasting, high-efficiency traps were fully coated in 8 different colors, the trap coated with yellow had the highest mean number of males trapped and exhibited a significant difference compared to the traps coated in any of the 7 other colors. In addition, field tests were conducted to compare the improved long-lasting, high-efficiency trap coated with yellow to the other three types of traps. The results showed that the improved long-lasting, high-efficiency trap and the Victor trap were better than the other two traps with a mean number of 74.8 and 64.9 males trapped, respectively, compared to the Improved McPhail trap and Yi-shan trap at 28 and 9.1 males, respectively. Consequently, it was found that the traps coated with yellow were best in attract-and-kill effectiveness against male flies of B. dorsalis. Therefore, our findings could serve as a reference for improving the design of the fly traps as well as for applying a color reflectance spectrum to reinforce the attract-and-kill effectiveness against the oriental fruit fly. |