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題 名 | 補充孕烯醇酮對增強式運動後排球選手肌肉損傷的影響=The Effect of Pregnenolone Supplement on Muscle Damage after Plyometric Training for Volleyball Players |
作 者 | 陳浚良; 吳茂盛; 黃奕仁; 何建德; 蔡櫻蘭; 郭家驊; | 書刊名 | 運動生理暨體能學報 |
卷 期 | 7 2008.05[民97.05] |
頁 次 | 頁61-69 |
分類號 | 528.9012 |
關鍵詞 | 孕烯醇酮; 硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽; 睪固酮; 肌酸激酶; 肌肉損傷; Pregnenolone; DHEA-S; Testosterone; CK; Muscle damage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 增強式運動常被使用做為一種增加排球選手彈跳能力的訓練方式,但此種訓練方式會造成肌肉較大的損傷。孕烯醇酮是類固醇性荷爾蒙的前驅物,本研究欲探討於增強式運動後口服孕烯醇酮對血液硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽、睪固酮和總膽固醇與肌肉損傷的影響。本實驗將十位男子甲組排球選手隨機分為控制及實驗兩組,在單次增強式運動後,控制組給予口服安慰劑,實驗組則給予口服孕烯醇酮一週,並採集每天早上八點的空腹血液以分析硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽、睪固酮、膽固醇和肌酸激酶。於兩週後,兩組對調以相同流程再進行一次實驗。實驗發現口服孕烯醇酮組肌酸激酶曲線下面積較低於安慰劑組(控制組,1097.23±308.92>孕烯醇酮組,346.78±175.06),但對血液中硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽、睪固酮和總膽固醇沒有影響。本研究發現口服孕烯醇酮可有效降低增強式運動導致的肌肉損傷,亦不會改變血液中硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽和睪固酮的濃度,因此從事高強度訓練後可使用孕烯醇酮補充的方式,減少肌肉損傷發生,但不會產生運動禁藥之問題。 |
英文摘要 | Plyometric training, usually served as one drill to enhance bouncing ability of volleyball players, would cause more muscle damage. Pregnenolone was one precursor of sex steroid hormone. This study was to investigate the effect of oral pregnenolone after plyometric training on serum DHEA-S, testosterone, cholesterol, and muscle damage. Ten male professional volleyball players were randomized to the control and experimental groups. Following single plyometric training, the control group was given placebo intake and the experimental group was oral pregnenolone for one week during which fasting blood sample every morning was collected to analyze DHEA-S, testosterone, cholesterol and CK. After two weeks, two groups crossover with the same procedure. The results found that CK AUC was lower in the experimental group than the control group (the control group: 1097.23±308.92>the experimental group: 346.78±175.06). However, no significant changes were noted in serum DHEA-S, testosterone and cholesterol. The result denoted that oral pregnenolone effectively reduced muscle damage from plyometric training with no effect on DHEA-S and testosterone, which suggested that pregnenolone is capable to diminish muscle damage from high-intensity training without controversial issues of illicit drug. |