題 名 | 學生的攻擊行為與其初次使用菸和酒時間之關係=Relationship between Aggressive Behavior and Initiation of Tobacco and Alcohol Use among Students |
作 者 | 張齡尹; 李蘭; 張新儀; | 書刊名 | 臺灣公共衛生雜誌 |
卷 期 | 27:6 2008.12[民97.12] |
頁 次 | 頁530-542 |
分類號 | 411.8 |
關鍵詞 | 攻擊行為; 吸菸; 飲酒; 兒童與青少年; 存活分析; Aggressive behavior; Tobacco; Alcohol; Child and adolescent; Survival analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目標:瞭解學生的攻擊行為與其初次使用菸和酒時間之關係。方法:應用兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究(簡稱CABLE計畫)的資料進行分析。本研究選取CABLE計畫中,於2001年就讀國小四年級之世代且完整追蹤至2006年者為分析樣本,共1,486人。主要的研究變項為攻擊行為(分成口語攻擊、肢體攻擊和破壞物品)與初次使用菸和酒之時間。利用SAS9.1統計軟體,執行存活分析。結果:(1)研究樣本自陳初次吸菸與初次飲酒的時間,平均為8.34年級和6.65年級。(2)研究樣本初次使用菸和酒的可能性在國中階段有明顯上升的情況。(3)以攻擊行為隨時間變化(time-varying)的變項值分析後,自陳有口語攻擊行為者相對於無此行為者,於往後年度發生初次吸菸(相對風險為1.86)或初次飲酒(相對風險為1.44)的可能性較高;自陳有破壞物品行為者,於次年出現初次飲酒的風險為無此行為者的1.39倍。結論:攻擊行為中的「口語攻擊」與「破壞物品」兩種類型是預測學生初次使用菸酒時間之顯著因子。建議相關單位及人員重視國小學生中有攻擊行為者,且相關之預防教育及介入計畫宜在國小階段開始,除降低攻擊行為的發生外,也可預防或延遲兒童與青少年初次使用菸和酒的時間。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives: To examine the relationship between aggressive behavior (e.g. , verbal aggression, physical aggression, and property destruction) and the initiation of tobacco and alcohol use among students. Methods: Data was obtained from the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) project. The participants included 1,486 students who were continually followed from 4 to 9(superscript th) grade (from 2001 to 2006). Survival analysis was also performed. Results: (1) Tobacco and alcohol use was initiated in 8.34(superscript th) and 6.65(superscript th) grades, respectively. (2) The survival probability of tobacco and alcohol initiation greatly decreased between 7th and 9th grades. (3) Verbal aggression was a significant predictor of both tobacco and alcohol initiation (HR: 1.86 and 1.44, respectively); property destruction was also related to a higher risk of alcohol initiation (HR: 1.39). Conclusions: Verbal aggression and property destruction were significant predictors of tobacco and alcohol initiation. To prevent and delay tobacco and alcohol initiation, it is important to target students who have aggressive behavior, especially those who are verbally aggressive and engaging in property destruction. Furthermore, tailored preventive programs were suggested to be designed, and the time of intervention should be initiated earlier in elementary school. |