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- Review of Research on the Stress-Burnout Process
題 名 | 百貨公司從業人員工作壓力與工作倦怠之分析研究=The Study of Job Stress and Job Burnout on Employees of Department Stores |
作 者 | 黃韞臻; 林淑惠; | 書刊名 | 國立虎尾科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 27:3 2008.09[民97.09] |
頁 次 | 頁125-141 |
分類號 | 176.54 |
關鍵詞 | 工作壓力; 工作倦怠; 百貨公司; 典型相關; Job stress; Job burnout; Department stores; Canonical correlation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探究百貨公司從業人員的工作壓力、工作倦怠現況,以及二者間的相關性。研究中以台中市百貨公司員工爲調查對象,利用描述性統計、t 檢定、單因數變異數分析等進行資料的分析,再以典型相關分析探討工作壓力與工作倦怠感受的關聯性。主要結論如下: (一)研究對象的工作壓力以「業績壓力」最爲沉重,在工作倦怠方面則以「無人情味」較爲明顯。 (二)女性、專櫃人員、管理部門及已婚者,存在較大的整體或某構面的工作壓力;而管理部門工作者在工作倦怠的各構面感受都較其他部門強烈。 (三)研究對象在工作壓力與工作倦怠之間有三組顯著之典型相關存在。 1.第一組典型相關顯示,研究對象在「組織氣氛」、「工作負荷」及「工作焦慮」等層面工作壓力愈大時,在「低成就感」、「情緒耗竭」、「無人情味」等層面之倦怠感受上愈強烈。 2.第二組典型相關顯示,研究對象在「業績壓力」及「工作焦慮」二方面的工作壓力愈低時,愈容易感到「成就感低落」,但較不會感到「情緒耗竭」。 3.第三組典型相關顯示,研究對象的「業績壓力」愈低,其在「無人情味」的感受較強。 |
英文摘要 | This study was to explore the current situation about job stress and job burnout on employees of department stores, and discussed their relationships. A target sample was randomly drawn from employees of department stores in Taichung district. The descriptive analysis, t test analysis and one-way ANOVA were utilized to analyze the collected data. Finally, the relationships between job stress and job burnout were discussed through the Canonical correlation analysis. Some of the major findings and conclusions are as follows: 1. "Sale stress" and "depersonalization" are the heaviest job stress and job burnout of employees, respectively. 2. Female, saleswoman, employees in administration department and married employees have heavier job stress, and employees in administration department have heavier job burnout. 3. There are three significant Canonical correlations between job stress and job burnout. |