- 兒童扁桃腺切除手術論病例計酬制實施之影響評估
- 診斷關係群前瞻性支付制度對醫療品質影響之探討
- 加護病房設置專責重症專科醫師對照護品質和醫療資源使用之影響
- 分析全民健保資料庫以探討喉直達鏡手術治療喉部良性病變論病例計酬制實施之影響評估
- 分析全民健保資料庫以評估鼻中膈鼻道成型手術論病例計酬制實施之影響
- 醫師如何成為改善醫療品質的領導者
- Impact of Hospital Volunteers on the Patients' and Nurses' Perception of Medical Care Quality
- 醫療品質與健保局刪減對民眾與醫院帶來的衝擊
- A Qualitative Study of Multidimensional Perceptions about Healthcare Quality
- 全民健保後外科醫師人力之調查與分析
題 名 | 兒童扁桃腺切除手術論病例計酬制實施之影響評估=Impacts of the Case Payment System on the Practice of Pediatric Tonsillectomy |
作 者 | 王維吟; 張燕良; 王拔群; 陳雅惠; | 書刊名 | 輔仁醫學期刊 |
卷 期 | 4:2 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁73-81 |
分類號 | 419.45 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童扁桃腺切除手術; 論病例計酬支付制度; 醫療資源利用; 醫療品質; Pediatric tonsillectomy; Case payment system; Medical utilization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究利用全民健保資料庫探討論病例計酬制的實施對於兒童(小於16 歲)扁桃腺切除手術在醫療品質及醫療資源使用上的影響。方法:研究對象為1998 年3 月至2000 年3 月間,因扁桃腺增生或慢性扁桃腺發炎而接受腭扁桃腺摘除手術之兒童,共491 例,研究探討「論量」(224 例) 及「論病例」計酬(267 例) 兩組在手術預後、醫療資源耗用、及醫療費用上的差異。結果:「論病例計酬組平均住院天數(3.6±1.8天) 明顯比「論量計酬組」(4.2±1.4 天) 少,而「論病例計酬組」除檢查費、手術費、麻醉費較多外,其餘各單項申報費用均較「論量計酬組」少,其中以病房費、藥事費減少最多(p < 0.05),而且也未有將費用轉嫁至門診的情形發生。有關再手術、再入院、併發症、以及是否延長住院等醫療不良事件個案數在論病例計酬制度下並未明顯改變。結論:論病例計酬制實施後能減少住院天數但不影響醫療品質及醫療資源的利用,然而,支付制度改變對於手術預後的影響仍需持續性的監測以確保醫療品質。 |
英文摘要 | Background and Purpose: In this study, we investigated the impacts of implementation of a case payment system on the quality and medical utilization of pediatric (under 16 years old) tonsillectomies by analyzing the National Healthcare Insurance Database (1998~2000).Methods: In total, 491 pediatric patients were identified with tonsil hypertrophy or chronic tonsillitis who underwent a tonsillectomy during the period from March 1998 to March 2000. Surgical outcomes, utilization of medical resources, and healthcare expenses were compared between groups of patients who were operated on before (224 patients) and after (267 patients) implementation of the case payment system for tonsillectomies. Analyses were conducted using t-test and Chi-square test. Results: The average length of stay was shortened by 0.6 days (p<0.05). Except for the lab test, anesthesia, and operation fees, most of the other service item claims were remarkably reduced. The ward fee and medication fee were most significantly reduced (p<0.05), but there was no clear evidence to show that providers shifted costs to outpatient services. The outcomes index, such as readmission, reoperation, complications, and prolonged hospitalization were indistinguishable between the 2 groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: The implementation of a case payment system proved to be effective in enhancing the efficiency of the practice of pediatric tonsillectomy by reducing the length of stay. However, determining the impact of the case payment system on surgical outcomes may require continuous monitoring to enhance healthcare quality. |