題 名 | 蔣渭水與臺灣新文化運動=Jiang Wei-shui and Taiwan New Culture Movement |
作 者 | 梁明雄; | 書刊名 | 稻江學報 |
卷 期 | 2:2 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁259-277 |
分類號 | 783.38 |
關鍵詞 | 日據時期; 臺灣文化; 臺灣文化協會; 臺灣民報; 蔣渭水; Japanese occupation period; Taiwan culture; Taiwan culture association; Taiwan Ming-pao; Wei-shui; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 誕生於一八九○年而成長於日據時期宜蘭的民族鬥士蔣渭水醫師,終其有生之年,孜孜為求取臺灣人民的獨立自由與文化革新而犧牲奮鬥。其艱苦卓絕,知其不可而為之的精神毅力,以及過人的才學識見,自非常人所能企及。考其終生職志,厥在民族解放與文化啟蒙二者,而欲啟導同胞,提振民氣,又非藉由組黨結社、團結民眾不為功。 臺灣民眾黨固為蔣氏一生事功所在,即作為臺灣抗日運動三大主力的臺灣議會設置運動、臺灣文化協會與臺灣民報,亦與蔣氏淵源深厚,關係密切。先烈種種活動,無非是針對素患「智識的營養不良」,而成為「世界文化低能兒」的臺灣社會,所做的一番努力。 日據時期的臺灣人民,大多數誠然都是懵懂無知的,何況在專制殖民的欺壓統治之下,更造成民眾思想閉塞,知識貧乏,蔣氏基於民族氣節所提出的言論主張,自然是振聾發瞶的獅子之吼。成為臺灣文化啟蒙者的蔣渭水,其出處作為,至足為後人所景仰效法,本研究即在摘取史實暨其平生言行,以探究其救國救民之初衷。 本論文內容涵蓋以下諸項目:日據時期臺灣政治、社會狀況、蔣渭水的生命歷程、臺灣文化協會的業績成果、臺灣民報上的直言讜論、新文化運動的成就與影響等。 |
英文摘要 | Dr. Jiang Wei-shui, born on 1980A.D. at Yilan County, grew up on day of Japanese occupation period as a national fighter. He struggled diligently for the independency, freedom and cultural innovation of the Taiwanese people through all his life. His extremely hard and bitter spiritual willpower that although knows it's no use, but keeping on doing it, and a remarkable knowledge and vision, are far away from the ordinary person who can not reach. Inspecting through his lifework can be concluded in national libration and cultural enlightenment. Forming an association and uniting the people should be the only way of calling up popular morale. Taiwan People's Party is certainly Mr. Jiang's life achievement, besides, regarding Taiwan movement of resistance against Japanese sovereign, the three main forces of setting up Taiwan parliament; Taiwan Culture Association and Taiwan Ming-pao (People's Newspaper) also have very close and deep relations with Jiang. As a cultural beginner in Taiwan, Dr. Jiang's conduct is valuably respected and followed by descendants. On account of this reason, this research basically based on historical facts and Jiang's works, trying to find out the original intention and the aim of Dr. Jiang's wonderful deeds. |