題 名 | 革命家蔣渭水作品淺探=The Analysis of Revolutionist Chiang Wei-shui's Works |
作 者 | 梁明雄; | 書刊名 | 國立屏東科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 10:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁185-193 |
分類號 | 783.38 |
關鍵詞 | 日據時期; 臺灣文化; 民眾黨; 蔣渭水; The period of Japanese occupation; Taiwan culture; Popular party; Chiang Wei-shui; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 日據時期出生於宜蘭的醫生革命家蔣渭水(一八九○~一九三一),始終秉持著不屈不撓的毅力勇氣,和知其不可而為之的大無畏精神,領導民眾黨,以與日帝相周旋,並手創臺灣文化協會,以啟蒙民眾。畢生志業,厥在反對殖民統治,爭取同胞自由,誠臺灣民族運動之第一人,鐵骨錚錚之真英雄。 蔣氏於盡瘁國事、奔走革命之餘,猶揮其如椽之筆,大聲疾呼,力抗強權壓迫,掃除封建陋習。晨鐘暮鼓,誠足以警頑立懦,激勵來者。考其行誼事蹟,正所謂立德、立功、立言之典範,仁智兼備之勇者。 探索蔣渭水之著作,固多為宣揚革命理念,呼應文化維新之作,然其政論文之詞嚴理明,鞭辟入�堙F散雜文之隨意揮灑,橫生逸趣;兼又筆端常帶感情,文中時見哲思,設非素有蓄積,曷克臻此?吾人探賾索隱之餘,亦當深入玩味孤臣孽子的悲壯情懷,暨其寄望遙深的弦外哀音。 本文首就蔣氏重要著作予以歸類論述,敘其梗概。次依作品主題分類探討,尋本溯源,藉窺蔣氏心志所在之四大重點工作:一、弘揚中山思想。二、抨擊殖民統治。三、提升臺灣文化。四、呼籲民眾團結。最後再就蔣氏作品綜合評述,以見其價值之所在。 |
英文摘要 | Dr Chiang Weu-shiu (1890~1931), the national hero born in I-Lan County, was struggling against Japanese rule through all his life for Taiwan's recovery. His contributions in teaching people are as great as his political merits and get a huge result. He is truly the number one who advocates for national movement. He tried to unite Taiwanese people by organizing party. He establishes all the Taiwanese Culture Association and the Popular Party. All of his doing has only one purpose: trying to save those miserable people out of Japanese sovereign. Besides being busy for revolution, he wrote a lot of articles to criticize colonial power, and got a great success. Most of his works are concerned about those political affairs, which are so unfair to the Taiwanese people. Actually those of his claims are very accurate and helpful under the situation of that time. This thesis tries to research the meanings and properties by analyzing all of his works.. |