題 名 | 中藥材品質管制基準制定之研究(2)=Study on the Standards Establishment for Quality Control on Chinese Crude Drugs (2) |
作 者 | 張永勳; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 25:4 2007.10[民96.10] |
頁 次 | 頁383-455 |
專 輯 | 中醫藥品質管理相關研究 |
分類號 | 414.3 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥材; 乾燥減重; 總灰分; 酸不溶性灰分; 稀醇抽提物; 水抽提物; HPLC; Chinese herbs; Loss on drying; Total ash; Acid-insoluble ash; Diluted ethanol-soluble extractive; Water-soluble extractive; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會於93年3月9日公告國內第一部中華中藥典(已改名臺灣傳統藥典),第一版臺灣傳統藥典收載中藥品項僅200種,距離大陸中華人民共和國藥典及日本藥局方收載之品項仍有相當大之距離,須在再版中增補品項,因此未來新收藏品項之化學規格的建立,實為極重要之課題。 本計畫針對大陸藥典一部收載但臺灣傳統藥典中未收載之中藥品項,去除臺灣地區較少或未見使用之品項,選擇川木香等48種藥材,每種藥材在全省各地收集20種檢品,進行乾燥減重、總灰分、酸不溶性灰分、稀醇抽提物及水抽提物等項目試驗。另外並選擇草烏、金銀花、附子等三種中藥材,進行其指標成分Aconitine及Chlorogenic acid之定量分析。 除了本實驗室進行之實驗外,本計畫亦收集各國藥典上述藥材之各項理化試驗之數據,並與藥檢局及國內主要中藥廠代表舉行座談,討論相關數據,使相關化學規格之數據建議更為可行。 |
英文摘要 | Committee of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health completed the first version of Chinese Herbal Pharmacopeia in, 2004. The first version included only 200 Chinese crude drugs species. However the items included were too less comparing to the numbers of items included either in the Pharmacopeia, PRC, 2005 or Japanese Pharmacopeia, 14th Edition, 1996. More items should be included in the upcoming revised version. Then chemical specification of those new items needed to be established. This project selected 48 commonly used items which were recorded in PRC Pharmacopeia but not in Taiwanese Herbal Pharmacopeia. Twenty specimen of each 48 herbs were parchased around the island. Five tests including loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoluble ash, diluted ethanol-soluble extractive, water-soluble extractive of 20 samples of each herb were analyzed. Additionally, Wu-Tou, Fu-Tzi and Ching-Ying Hua were selected for HPLC analysis for their marker constituents. The statistical analytic values of 20 specimen, Mean + S.D. or Mean - S. D. were recommended as standard criteria. During the project period, besides referring to other related pharmacopeia, we also consulted staffs from Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis and QC staffs from major GMP Pharmaceutical factories to ensure the feasibility of the specification. The results will be provided as major references for revising the new edition of the Taiwanese Herbal Pharmacopeia. |