題 名 | 論《史記》「推見至隱」之敘事修辭=Tui-Xien-Zhi-Yin: The Metaphorical Expression and Narration Trope in Shi-Ji |
作 者 | 李秋蘭; | 書刊名 | 朝陽人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 5:2 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁143-176 |
分類號 | 610.11 |
關鍵詞 | 史記; 推見至隱; 隱喻; 比興思維; 敘事修辭; Shi-Ji; Tui-xian-zhi-yin; Metaphor; Bi-xing thinking; Narration trope; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 司馬遷稱孔子爲至聖,且視《春秋》爲制作之典範;因此,《春秋》的敘事風格自然影響《史記》的敘事特色。《史記‧匈奴列傳》中言「孔氏著《春秋》,隱桓之閒則章,至定哀之際則微,爲其切當世之文而罔褒,忌諱之辭也」,〈司馬相如列傳〉亦稱「《春秋》推見至隱」,一切歷史,都是現代史,故孔子著《春秋》「定哀之際則微」。司馬遷將《史記》暗擬爲《春秋》,編纂當代史事時多「忌諱之辭」,欲突破困境以修史,自然運用《春秋》「推見至隱」之法,寄寓史家之大義。 《史記》以敘次史事爲主,評論事件、褒貶人物之資鑑功能,則與之相輔相成。司馬遷敘寫楚漢紛爭以來的歷史,因切近當時,亦師法「推見至隱」之書法,採隱約其辭的「微言」,旁敲警醒的「側筆」,以隱微之筆敘述近當代的歷史。司馬遷透過「推見至隱」之書法,將歷史表相後的實情顯現出來。蓋隱之所在,即歷史真相之所在,亦即歷史解釋之所在。 司馬遷冒犯忌諱之辭,透過史料的剪裁、組織與安排,制定義理與法度,筆削之間,寄寓史家褒貶之義。藉由整體結構,描寫的人物、事件顯示其意象,在表層結構之下蘊藏著作品深層的主題、意旨,展現深廣的內在意蘊。《史記》深遠的旨意,通過形象的設置,利用敘事文學中的意象,不斷地銜接、轉換,將欲傳達的意義,以隱喻修辭的方式,藉此傳遞史家之意旨。 |
英文摘要 | The characteristics of Shih-Chi, written by Sima-Qian, are the application of ambiguous language and the vigilantly use of equivocal terms, regarding the art of rhetoric. Consisting of various reflections in aboriginal historical issues upon some points of view of Sima-Qian, the distinguished feature of Shi-Ji is the indistinct manner of narration trope. In Shi-Ji, what was concealed in metaphorical expression, the actual state of matter is, as well as the integral part of Sima-Qian’s commentary. Highly appreciated by Sima-Qian, The Annals Chun-Qiu, compiled by Confucius, was praised as a criterion. The substance and meaning of narration trope in Chun-Qiu has far-reaching consequences in inditing Shi-Ji. This article provides an overview of the theory of narration trope which has contributed to the compositional essence of Tui-xian-zhi-yin. The purpose of this study is to probe into the issues of the metaphorical expression applied on representing and criticizing historical affairs. Tui-xian-zhi-yin has a significant role in the construction as well as reconstructions of the narration trope. As a special form of composition, the important elements of Tui-xian-zhi-yin in writing are brief line of verse, concisephrase, indistinct sentence pattern, and succinct paragraph. Through meticulously arranging the statements and structures, Sima-Qian intended to stress loyalty and discipline in order to exhaust the obligation of compiling historiography. Nevertheless, the inner motifs and conceptions implied underneath metaphorical expression are exquisitely profound. |