題 名 | 提升新竹科學工業園區標準廠房租賃業務服務品質之研究=The Research of Improving the Service Quality of Hsinchu Science Park's Standard Factory Leasing |
作 者 | 邱冠斌; 邱冠舜; 侯成睿; | 書刊名 | 中華行政學報 |
卷 期 | 3 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁109-129 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 服務品質; 新竹科學工業園區; 標準廠房; 租賃; Service quality; Hsinchu science park; Standard factory; Leasing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於各國政府皆希望擺脫官僚體系無效率、無效能的刻板形象,紛紛推行行政管理革新措施及政府改造運動,師法企業精神以提升行政效率與服務品質。服務品質的提升,過去在和部門是較為重視的,現在公部門也越來越重視為民服務及以顧客為導向的服務。因此,公共服務品質的提升越來越受到重視,亦是政府提升效能及競爭力的重要一環。而政府部門在提洪服務的同時,應探究民眾需求的動機及企盼,也就是說,功行部門不僅被動的提供服務,應更主動的瞭解民眾需求的本質,這樣才能提升服務品質。 本研究是以新竹科學工業園區的標準廠房租賃業務為研究標的,以新竹科學工業園區內135家租賃廠房廠商為研究對象,利用文獻探討法及問卷調查法探討廠房租賃業務的公共服務品質。本研究發現,新竹科學工業園區標準廠房,因平約使用年數已達15.7年,最高者有21年,最低者亦有6年,園區租賃廠房廠商最希望改進的廠房租賃業務項目為廠房維修。此外,園區十萬從業人口的停車問題亦是廠商企盼急待解決的事項。本研究同時發現,目前承租標準廠房坪數以100坪至400坪居多,而在一年內廠房不敷使用需再增租廠房者有五成左右,需用坪數則為201坪至400坪居多。在加強溝通管道及回應方面,可朝網路資訊服務項目改進。 |
英文摘要 | In the past, the improvement of service quality was more esteemed in the private sector than the public sector. Today, the public sector starts to emphasize consumer-oriented services than before. The improvement of quality in the public service has been more appreciated recently, because it can increase the government's efficacy and competitive advantages. When the governmental department provides any service. It should understand people's needs and expectations. In order to improve the public service quality. The government has to not only provide adequate services, but also understand the essence of what people want initiatively. This research plans to investigate 135 firms in the Hsinchu Science Park, so as to reveal the perceived quality of public service of the standard factory leasing business in the Hsinchu Science Perk. This study utilizes literature review and mail questionnaires as the research methodology. Since the standard factory as a whole in the Hsinchu Science Park has been used for 15.7 years on average, the major finding of this research is that the survey results rate factory maintenance as the highest demand in order to improve the public service quality of the standard factory leasing. Secondly, the problem of inadequate parking spaces has to be solved as soon as possible, because there are more than one hundred thousand people working in the Hsinchu Science Part Thirdly, about half of the surveyed firms need to lease more factories with space of 60-120 square meters. Finally, most surveyed firms request that the communication efficiency of internet services be significantly improved. |