題 名 | 消費者借款債務 (雙卡債務) 之清償不能=Failure Performance of Customer Loans (Credit Card and Loan Card) |
作 者 | 楊淑文; | 書刊名 | 政大法學評論 |
卷 期 | 98 2007.08[民96.08] |
頁 次 | 頁143-182 |
分類號 | 584.374 |
關鍵詞 | 信用卡; 現金卡; 金錢借貸; 定型化契約條款; 循環利息; Credit card; Loan card; Loan; Standard form contract; Revolving interests; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著信用卡使用之盛行與現金卡之發行,金融機構無擔保之融資貸款日漸盛行。惟融資行為之類型先天上即存在無法回收之風險,而各銀行以定型化契約條款約定之循環利息通常高達年息百分之二十,致借款債務人紛紛陷入無力清償之困境,因而在我國亦衍生如同國外信用卡大量持卡人清償困難之「現代型債務金字塔」之社會問題。面對此項新興問題,我國民法基本法律體系層面對於「金錢借貸」與「定型化契約條款」之規範不足,甚而消費者借款部分是否屬消費者保護法所適用之消費關係,在實務之解釋與適用仍有爭議。本篇論文除探討上述問題與爭議外,關於銀行可否於借款人無力清償時繼續保有循環利息等約定利率之請求權,或僅得依債務不履行中金錢債務給付遲延之規定請求遲延之損害;銀行可否以定型化約款約定與實際損害顯不相當之數額等等重要實務爭議案例均有詳細之分析與檢討。此外司法實務上就定型化契約條款在民法之解釋與適用上所帶來之全面性之影響,應如何予以正確回應,以解決此項重大新興民法之爭議問題,或如何於民法與消保法中為妥適之立法等等問題,本文中均有詳細之剖析。 |
英文摘要 | For the prevalence of credit card using and loan card releasing, financial entities recently make more non-collateral financing loans and use standard form contract with revolving interests up to 20% to avoid high risk nature of such financing loans. As the stipulated interest of revolving credit is too high for debtors to pay off, many creditcardholders fall into financial difficulties, and such phenomenon in Taiwan also induces a social problem called 'modern debt pyramid' as happened in foreign countries. In the course of resolving the social problem, it reflects that the civil law existed many deficiencies about 'loan' and 'standard form contract', even judicial practices have no unified answer to decide whether customer loans apply Customers Protection Act. This article not only discusses several issues, for example, whether customer loans apply customer protection act, whether banks could keep the right of interest of revolving credit while cardholders in financial difficulties or only have the right of damage for delayed payment, whether banks could stipulate a fixed sum payment greater than the actual loss by using 'liquidated damages clause', but also analyzes adjudications relevant to above issues. Besides, this article provides certain legal suggestions for judges how to interpret and apply civil regulations in 'standard form contract', and for legislators how to make appropriate regulations between civil law and Customer Protection Act to resolve this serious social problem. |