題 名 | 平價比薩連鎖店市場區隔及其消費行為之研究--以50元比薩焗烤美食專賣店為例=Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior of Budget Pizza Franchises--Using 50NT Pizza Franchise as an Example |
作 者 | 陳為任; 蘇惠玲; | 書刊名 | 德明學報 |
卷 期 | 29 2007.08[民96.08] |
頁 次 | 頁23-40 |
分類號 | 496.38 |
關鍵詞 | 利益區隔; 消費行為; 市場區隔; 平價比薩連鎖店; Benefit segmentation; Consumer behavior; Market segmentation; Budget pizza franchises; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中小型比薩加盟市場的商機與未來潛力無限,但快速展店的結果卻容易造成市場過於飽和,這種熱潮就像蛋塔效應一樣,持續幾個月就泡沫化。中小型連鎖餐飲業又要以何種方式來維持企業生存之道?因此引發本研究動機。本研究以50元比薩焗烤美食專賣店的消費者做為主要的研究對象,所得結果如下:(1)消費者所追求利益可區分為下列四個因素,餐食品質、服務與環境、用餐經驗美好、特色與便利。(2)依消費者所追求的利益進行集群分析,區隔為三大集群,生理需求型、效率注重型、專業追求型。(3)消費群可依生活型態可歸類為四個因素構面,追求流行、慕洋都會、感性消費、精打細算。並分析各區隔間之差異,以供各小型連鎖加盟店業者制定行銷策略時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The market for small to medium-size pizza franchises is full of opportunities and potential; however, the speedy expansion has saturated the market. This pizza fever is like the egg-tart fast food effect, which disappeared like bubbles within several months. How do small to medium-sized food and beverage franchises maintain their survival? This study investigates the consumer's preference to the product attributes and purchase behaviors of the medium-sized pizza. The results of this thesis can be a reference for small to medium-sized pizza franchises designing their marketing strategies. It used convenience sampling in which 425 surveys were given out and 401 valid surveys were returned. Using factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way AONVA and the Chi-Square test, the results are as follows. (1) The four factors which affect the benefits that consumers pursure are food qualities, services and dining environment, Experience of having a meal is very good, characteristics and convenience. (2) Using Cluster analysis to examine benefits that consumers pursue, we get three clusters including: a physiological needs type, an efficiency type, and a professional type. (3) Four factors that effect consumers' lifestyles, are pursuing fashion, admiring imported goods, perceptual consumption, and carefully consuming. |