題 名 | 能力本位網路教材發展與自我導向學習傾向行為評估=Development of Web-Enabled Competency-Based Learning Content and Evaluation of Self-Directed Learning Aptitude Behaviors |
作 者 | 張基成; 周保男; | 書刊名 | 隔空教育論叢 |
卷 期 | 16 民93.11 |
頁 次 | 頁21-51 |
專 輯 | 線上學習 |
分類號 | 521.58 |
關鍵詞 | 能力本位學習; 網路學習; 能力本位網路教材; 自我導向學習; 自我導向學習傾向行為; Competency-based learning; Web learning; Web-enabled CBL; Self-directed learning; Self-directed learning aptitude behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用自行發展的能力本位網路教材,以臺灣北部某大專院校電子科二年級修習「微算機實習」課程的38位學生為實驗研究對象,以探討能力本位網路學習對大專學生自我導向學習傾向行為的影響。實驗時間前後為期八週,網路教材使用方式為授課教師將教材融入教室教學,以及作為學生課後輔助學習與複習之用。研究結果顯示(1)網路學習前、中、後測的自我導向學習傾向行為以「喜愛學習」層面最高;前、中測以「效率學習」層面最低,後測以「主動學習」層面最低。(2)能力本位網路學習對學生的整體自我導向學習傾向行為沒有顯著影響,但會使學生自我導向學習傾向中的「喜愛學習」因素提昇,且背景特性並不成為影響因素。建議開發更多單元教材,延長能力本位網路學習的時間;自我導向學習傾向量表中的13題獨立學習因素為雙重否定,易使填答者混淆,應改為肯定句。後續研究建議以對照性實驗研究進行相關變項的比較;後測於網路學習結束當日或之前數日施行。 |
英文摘要 | This experimental study used web-enabled competency-based learning (CBL) content to explore it influences in self-directed learning aptitude behaviors (SDLAB). The target group of the study consisted of 35 students of course Microprocerr Practice, Department of Electronic Engineering, some junior college in northen Taiwan. The study continued for 8 weeks through integration of the CBL content into classroom teaching and repeated learning after class. The research results revealed that web-enabled CBL content had no significant influence in student's total SDLAB and student background would not affect it. However, it improved the factor of "inclination for learning" of SDLAB. The study makes suggestions that extend the time of experimental study to explore the authentic effects of CBL on SDLAB. Follow-up study may take a contrastive experimental study to explore the difference between variables. Post-test should be conducted some days before or at the end of online learning. |