題 名 | 試論南朝陵墓雕刻藝術的風格嬗變:以石獸為中心=Talked about the Evolution Process of Artistic Style of Mausoleum Sculptures in the South Dynasty: Takes Stone Animal as the Instance |
作 者 | 萬新華; | 書刊名 | 史物論壇 |
卷 期 | 4 2007.07[民96.07] |
頁 次 | 頁5-59 |
分類號 | 933.2 |
關鍵詞 | 南朝陵墓雕刻; 石獸; 藝術風格; 嬗變; Mausoleum sculptures in the South Dynasty; Stone animal; Artistic style; Evolution process; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 南朝陵墓雕刻以其自身的制度化、造型的規範化、組合的簡明化在中國歷代陵墓雕塑中獨樹一幟,其數量之多,價值之高,成就之大,代表著當時南方雕塑藝術的水準,備受美術史家的重視。其中以石獸居多,最能反映出南朝雕刻的藝術價值及其風格演變過程,在中國雕塑史上佔有舉足輕重的地位,它的存在對研究中國雕塑藝術的發展、演變具有極為重要的價值。就雕刻手法而言,南朝陵墓石獸雕刻歷經宋、齊、梁、陳各代,由簡而繁,紋飾由樸素而精美,圓雕、浮雕、線刻等多種技法交替運用,逐步達到了完美的藝術效果。無論是整體,還是局部,石獸造型表現和諧,加之得體的裝飾線條,形態動勢所顯示的節奏感,構成了鮮明的形體美與勻稱感,與漢代石雕往往只是雕琢出粗略形象的做法相比,完成了從拙樸凝重向矯健靈活的轉變,取得了一次標誌性的飛躍,並對後世的石雕藝術產生重要影響。 |
英文摘要 | The mausoleum sculptures in the South Dynasty is engraved with such oneself the systemization、standardization of moldmaking、conciseization of association, files it's own colors in Chinese mausoleum sculptures in the past dynasties, Such amount, Value tall, Accomplishment great, stands for the southern scuoptor standards at that time, and is subjected to the high opinion by the art historian. The stone animal passes the majority, is able to display the artistic value and the evolution process of artistic style of mausoleum sculptures in the South Dynasty, and has the significant position in the Chinese carving history. It has extremely significant value for being studies the development and evolution of Chinese carving art. Basing on the former investigation this disquisition intend to explore the issues such as cause of formation of techniques, evolvement of stylistics methods, external intercommunions etc. As far as the carving technique, the mausoleum scuptures in the South Dynasty is undergoing changes during Song、Qi、Liang、Chen. The simply figure is turn into complicatedly and elegant. The skills and technique such as sculpture、Relief sculpture、String quarter had applicated attained consummated artistic effect gradually. It indicates correlative background factors of formative style which involves in cultural ideology, science and technology development, regional custom, the significant relationships between Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. |