- 應用超低電壓動態浮點輸入暫存器於高速除4/5雙模組除頻器電路
- CCL Java Chip使用之0.25μm暫存器電路設計
- Fast Deterministic Test Pattern Generation for Scan-Based BIST Environment
- High Performance Code Genration for Digital Signal Processors
- PCI Bus運動控制模組技術分析
- 直接序列展頻通訊系統的擬亂數碼產生器設計與分析
- 先進先出記憶體設計概觀
- A Research on Parallel and Distributed Architecture to Promote the Performance of Transferring on High Speed Switching System
- Design of UART with RTL Based BIST
- A Hybrid LFSR Design for Low Power Applications