題 名 | 高鹽分養液中鉀濃度對番茄果實產量和品質之影響=Effect of Potassium Level in High Sodium Nutrient Solution on Fruit Yield and Quality of Tomato |
作 者 | 林大村; 顏永福; 趙秀淓; 黃子彬; | 書刊名 | 臺灣園藝 |
卷 期 | 53:1 2007.03[民96.03] |
頁 次 | 頁27-43 |
分類號 | 435.272 |
關鍵詞 | 番茄; 養液栽培; 鹽分; 鉀; 產量; 果實品質; Tomato; Hydroponics; Salinity; Potassium; Yield; Fruit quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 番茄‘桃佳’品種在NFT系統下栽培,處理組EC值分別以NaCl及KCl調整為6.0、8.0、10、12 dS‧m-1 ,果實單株產量與合格品果實產量均隨著養液EC值提高而下降,其中對照組(EC 2.5 dS‧m-1)果實總產量與合格品產量分別為為4,254和4,162 g/plant.而EC 12 dS‧m-1處理分別為2,031和1,120 g/plant ,合格品果實平均果重亦隨著養液EC值提高而下降,不同處理間差異顯著。對照組與各處理之第2果房的果實可溶性固形物含量分別為4.6、5.1、5.7、6.6及6.90 °Brix,滴定酸分別為0.43、0.53、0.61、0.74及0.80% .第10果房的果實可溶性固形物和滴定酸含量亦隨養液EC值提高而上升。添加KCl提高EC值可顯著提高果實品質。不同處理且果汁之N03-和Ca2+離子含量均較對照組低;但K+和Na+離子均較對照組高;處理間以EC 10和12 dS‧m-1養液鹽分的果汁P04-離子含量顯著較對照組高,其他處理則較對照組低。 |
英文摘要 | Tomato plants cv. Taoga were grown with the nutrient film technology (NFT)to imvestigate the effect of potassium level in high sodium nutrient solution on fruit yield and quality. The basic nutrient solution with EC 2.5 dS‧m-1 was prepared as check, and high sodium nutrient solutions were made up with the basic nutrient solutions adding NaCl up to EC 6.0 dS‧m-1, and也.en KCI was added up to EC 8.0, 10.0, and 12.0 dS‧m-1 as the treatments. The overall yield and marketable yield from the 1st to 10th truss of check were 4,254 and 4,162 g/plant, respectively; while the EC 12 dS‧m-1 were 2,031and 1,120 g/plant, respectively, The average weight of marketable fruit were also decreased with increased of EC. The results showed that fruit yield was decreased linearly with increase of EC in nutrient solution. TSS (total soluble solid) of fruit at the 2nd and 10th truss were 4.6, 5.1, 5.7, 6.6, 6.9 °Brix and 5.5, 5.8, 7.7, 8.0. 9.4 °Brix, respectively, Fruits harvested from those plants grown with EC 8, 10 and 12 dS‧m-1 appeared to have higher TSS, TA, K+, Na+ and lower N03-, however, fruit produced from nutrient solution with EC 6.0 were not significantly different from check. It is concluded that high potassium nutrient solutions might improve fruit quality, and nutrient solution of EC 8 is suggested for a reasonable productivity and good quality of fruit. |