題 名 | 識人學與性格心理學在角色設定之應用--以『神隱少女』為例=The Application of Personality Science and Personality Theories in Character Design: “Spirited Away” as an Example |
作 者 | 簡妙芳; 詹玉艷; | 書刊名 | 商業設計學報 |
卷 期 | 10 民95.11 |
頁 次 | 頁285-299 |
分類號 | 172 |
關鍵詞 | 角色設定; 神隱少女; 識人學; 性格心理學; 宮崎駿; Character design; Spirited away; Personality science; Personality theories; Hayao Miyazaki; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在日本、臺灣甚至美國都稱的上是票房常勝軍的宮崎駿,在做完『魔法公主』時曾宣告要退休,卻在沉潛了四年後又重新出發。2001年出品了電影動畫作品『神隱少女』,被評價為最高傑作。堅持原創精神的宮崎駿,擔任了『神隱少女』動畫中的原作、腳本、監督,在片中運用了豐富的日本傳統文化色彩,另在角色設定上角色的個性與造形都十分鮮明且豐富且具有特色。本研究試以近幾十年來,在企業用人與行銷業務上經常使用的識人學與性格心理學,來分析動畫角色設定,並輔以透過吉卜力工作室人員與宮崎駿的雜誌專訪,來了解分析『神隱少女』的動畫製作背景與其叫好又叫座的成功之處,以提供後人在角色設定上做為應用參考。 |
英文摘要 | Hayao Miyazaki, a box office guarantee in Japan, Taiwan and even the US, announced his retirement after his production of the animation "Princess Mononoke," but four years later, in 2001, released his new creation "Spirited Away," which is recognized as his best work. Insisting on originality, Mr. Miyazaki himself created the story and script of "Spirited Away" and worked as the director. Widely adopting traditional Japanese Culture characterized this animation. Moreover, vivid and unique characters with a great diversity of personality and appearances are introduced in this creation. In this research, personality science and personality theories, which are both widely applied in recruiting and marketing, are applied to analyze the character design in animation. Together with the above application, interviews of Mr. Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli helped analyzing and understanding the production of "Spirited Away" and its secrets leading to success. The research wills serve as a reference or even a guideline for character design. |