題 名 | 宮崎駿日本動畫作品賞析--以「神隱少女」為例=An Study of the Implication of Hayao Miyazaki's Animated Film: “Spirited Away” |
作 者 | 林麗娟; | 書刊名 | 嘉義大學通識學報 |
卷 期 | 5 2007.09[民96.09] |
頁 次 | 頁293-319 |
分類號 | 987.931 |
關鍵詞 | 日本; 動畫; 宮崎駿; 神隱少女; 作品賞析; Japan; Animation; Hayao Miyazaki; Spirited away; Film analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 日本動畫大師宮崎駿以動畫「神隱少女」於2002年奪得柏林影展金熊獎,成為世界影史上第一次得到三大影展最高榮譽的動畫導演。此動畫並在日本國內創下了304億日幣的票房,成為日本史上最賣座的動畫電影。 宮崎駿強調:「我希望能夠再次藉著具深度的作品,拯救人類墮落的靈魂。」為了提醒世人回歸到對大自然的關懷,片中運用許多象徵手法呈現社會病態。他認為過剩的娛樂已麻痺了現代人心靈,感嘆人們缺乏解決問題的能力,對於小孩更是保護過當。因此,希藉由一個十歲平凡小女孩的故事,喚醒大家沈睡已久的心靈,並找回人類原有的生命力與善良純真。 然而,究竟本作品受到歡迎之特色何在?其蘊涵之寓意與精神為何?乃至反映出何種日本社會文化現象等等,皆是頗值得加以探究之課題。對此,本論文透過收集解析宮崎駿動畫相關文獻、專家學者與視聽大眾對此作品之評論,以及對照相關日本社會文化背景;針對:(一)宮崎駿與「神隱少女」之大千世界、(二)人道關懷與人性教化之神聖使命、(三)工業污染與環保議題之省思、(四)資本主義社會之現實與考驗等四方面加以探討。藉此深入洞悉本創作的主要精神意涵,並分析歸納出帶給我們之啟發與省思。 |
英文摘要 | Japanese Animation Master, Hayao Miyazaki was awarded in 2002 Berlin International Film Festival-Golden Bear, then became the first animation director who has three film festival awards. In Japan, it was the most popular animated film and has won the box office over 30.4 billion yen. Hayao Miyazaki said: "I hope this film can save the falling soul of people again." In order to remind people to concern about the nature, he used many emblems to express the common failing of the society. He sighed that people are losing ability to solve problem, and overprotect children. By this story of a 10-year-old girl, he tried to wake sleeping minds up, and find the losing innocent hearts. This paper collected Hayao Miyazaki's works and related papers, comments from experts and the mass population, and Japanese society culture context data: (一) The world of Hayao Miyazaki and "Spirited Away", (二) The vocation of humanity concern and analysis, (三) The reflection of industry pollution and environmental issues, (四) The Capitalism society's reality and challenge. From these, we hope to understand the implied meanings and generalize the enlightenments to us. |