題 名 | 「妳媽媽的故事有什麼好寫的?」--生產「禮讚女性」教學知識的行動敘說="What's so Great about Writing Your Mother's Life Stories?" : An Action Research on Knowledge Production about Women |
作 者 | 蕭昭君; | 書刊名 | 教育實踐與研究 |
卷 期 | 20:1 2007.03[民96.03] |
頁 次 | 頁201-225 |
分類號 | 528.33 |
關鍵詞 | 女性主義教育學; 性別平等教育; 行動敘說; Feminist pedagogy; Gender equity education; Action research; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 這一篇報告運用觀察札記、訪談學生、分析學生作業等資料收集,以故事敘說方式,呈現自己在帶領學生投入有關女性知識生產的教學過程中遇到的質疑與困頓。為企圖扭轉獨尊男流知識的不當,以豐富學生多元理解人類知識的機會,在「教育專題研究」課程中,我鼓勵學生挑選「身邊」自己所「尊敬」的女性,深入探究她們的生命故事,書寫成為研究報告。學生實地參與有關在地的女性知識的生產,共同看見、聽見身邊平凡女性不同的生命經驗,揭開個別故事背後清楚的共同文化結構,如何成為壓迫女性集體的存在,以及記錄見證不同的女人如何發展努力面對生命的能量。另外,為了讓學生了解教育知識的多種呈現形式,我也安排機會讓學生學習以拼布藝術形式來表現研究成果。包含二十位台灣女性的大拼布,集體說明她們的生命故事,她們散見在台灣不同角落、社會位置、族群、年紀、階級,代表成千上萬類似生命遭遇的女性。她們的故事,提供一個深入了解父權文化的窗口,讓我們有機會正眼凝視父權文化對於女性與男性的壓迫,以及正眼看見女性在面臨各種困頓中所展現豐富的主體生命力。從反身這個課程與教學,我提出有關在地女性主義教育學的新觀想。 |
英文摘要 | This paper attempts to illuminate the interweaving process of gender, power and knowledge in my educational research course. Inspired by Judy Logan’s teaching stories, I invite senior students in my course to conduct in-depth studies in honor of women from their daily worlds. By ways of prolonged engagements and interviews with their respondents, students learn to acquire deeper understandings of these women’s lives, thus, open their eyes to see through the structural oppression of women in the patriarchal society and to think through how they can transform such new understandings for social justice. In addition to writing up their research papers, students learn to make their own quilt as another way of knowledge representation for their research. I also present an honest account of the obstacles encountered in the process of teaching students to produce knowledge about women and of the actions taken to solve these obstacles. |