題 名 | 女性主義教育學及其對教育之啟示=Feminist Pedagogy and Its Implication for Education |
作 者 | 吳雅玲; | 書刊名 | 教育研究 |
卷 期 | 8 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁227-238 |
分類號 | 544.54 |
關鍵詞 | 女性主義教育學; 女性主義知識學; Feminist pedagogy; Feminist epistemology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討女性主義知識學與女性主義教育學思想。更性主義知識學是女性主義教育學之基礎,反對傳統白人中產階級男性主導的知識觀點;反對二元對立的知識論;主張個人經驗及情感才是知識的來源,個人是知識的創造者。而女性主義教育學主張教師傳統角色及權威的轉換;強調透過學習社群的建立,使學生賦權,並在相互尊重的原則下,鼓勵學生利用口語與文字來發聲;重視理論與行動結合的教育實踐理念,經由個人知能之改造,進而促成社會變革。 最後,本文亦探究女性主義教育學對教育本質、課程與教學、校園理倫及教育研究等方面的啟示。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the paper is to explore the idea of feminist epistemology and feminist pedagogy. Feminist epistemology, which is a fundamental thought of feminist pedagogy, rejects the traditional white bourgeois male's dominant perspective of knowledge, dissolves the epistemologicla dualism, and claims that knowledge is based on the personal experience and felling, and that individual is the only creator of knowledge. Accordingly, the central ideas of feminist pedagogy include transforming the traditional roles and authority of teachers, empowering students, leading students toward their own voices through writing and dialogue, making the community of learners on the basis of respect, emphasizing the educational praxis as the fusion of theories and action, and improving the society though the personal innovation. Furthermore, the paper draws out some implications of feminist pedagogy for the four domains of education, such as the nature of education, curriculum and teaching, school relationship and educational research. |