題 名 | 旅遊地生命週期模式運用在鹿港觀光發展之研究=Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution: A Case Study of LuKang |
作 者 | 林士彥; 許世芸; 張良漢; 徐秀珍; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒餐旅研究 |
卷 期 | 1:3 民95.09 |
頁 次 | 頁1-20 |
分類號 | 992.3 |
關鍵詞 | 鹿港; 鹿港觀光地區演化; LuKang; Tourist area cycle of evolution in LuKang; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 彰化縣鹿港鎮爲一具有特殊歷史發展背景的市鎮,自古就有「一府、二鹿、三艋舺」之美譽,卻因爲港口淤積,鐵路建設的路線遠離,使得鹿港的商業活動日漸式微,因而保存了相當完整的傳統聚落景觀與文化古蹟,另一方面也因爲國人越來越重視生活休閒與觀光旅遊,鹿港因其珍貴且獨特的文化觀光資源,使之成爲一個觀光市鎮,自民國六十七年發展觀光活動至今已經二十七年,鹿港之未來觀光發展方向爲何?因此,本研究以鹿港居民的角度,利用「旅遊地生命週期模式」。Butler (1980)將旅遊地區的現象結合產品生命週期的觀念,因而發展出旅遊地區生命週期的概念,提出旅遊地的演化經過六個階段:探勘階段、參與階段、發展階段、鞏固階段、停滯階段及衰退階段或復甦階段。及SWOT分析來了解鹿港鎮之觀光發展現況、探討鹿港鎮未來的觀光發展、並探討其間之關聯性,以提供鹿港鎮及類似旅遊地區觀光發展、規劃與管理之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Chang Hua county LuKang town has special historical background in Taiwan. In the Ching Dynasty, there was appellation "LuKang is the second large city in Taiwan". LuKang was a harbor in Ching Dynasty, but the harbor was choked with silt. The rail road didn't preserves completed traditional building and temples. Another reason is that more and more people have participated in leisure activities regarding heritage and culture. LuKang's abundant heritages were so precious and unique cultural tourism resources. LuKang became a tourism town. Residents expanded the tourism activities since 1978. What is the future about the LuKang's tourism? The outcomes of this research in a frame of reference of the residents, take the "Tourist area cycle of evolution." Butler (1980) combined the tourist area phenomenon and the products life cycle. It took the extension of the tourist area life cycle, there are six stages: The exploration stage, involvement stage, development stage, consolidation stage, stagnation stage, and decline or rejuvenation stage. The research also uses the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) method in this analysis. To realize the state of play about tourism, to investigate the tourism circumstances in the future, to classify the connection between them. This thesis also offers suggestions, which help the government or tourism in LuKang, or the other places similar for their future planning. |