題 名 | 健康體適能俱樂部會員消費決策行為之研究=Consumers' Decision Making on Choosing Health Club |
作 者 | 林樹旺; 蔡進發; 張良漢; 許揚; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒餐旅研究 |
卷 期 | 1:1 民95.03 |
頁 次 | 頁92-114 |
分類號 | 991.3 |
關鍵詞 | 健康休閒俱樂部; 決策行為; Health club; Decision making; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著現代人工作壓力與日俱增、生活品質的提升及壽命的延長,愈能體認運動健身的重要性,而健康休閒俱樂部提供了現代人室內方便、安全的運動場所與設施。在美國,運動健身俱樂部會員人數,在1990s年代十年間成長了51%。在台灣,健康休閒俱樂部亦隨著社會大眾對健康的需求而漸漸盛行。由於健康休閒俱樂部在台灣屬新興的行業,仍有發展潛力與空間,其經營管理問題值得探討。因此,本論文之研究問題在研究健康體適能俱樂部會員社經背景、對於健康體適能俱樂部之認知、選擇考量因素、行銷通路偏好、消費意願、與其間之關係。本研究共調查346位受訪者,研究發現不同社經背景之健康體適能俱樂部受訪者,其對健康體適能俱樂部認知、選擇考量因素、行銷通路偏好及消費意願亦不同;其對健康體適能俱樂部認知、選擇考量因素及行銷通路偏好,亦會影響其對健康體適能俱樂部消費意願。最後,本論文基於研究發現提出建議,以作爲健康體適能俱樂部經營者及主管機關之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Because of the economic development and living standard enhancement, the Taiwanese people's life expectancy has increased. With that comes the concern for good health during the longer life. Health clubs generally provide people a climate controlled facility with a variety of equipment and the availability of professional or trained personnel to facilitate safe use of facilities offered. In USA membership in health clubs increased 51% in the decade of the 1990s. In Taiwan membership in health clubs is also growing. The respondents' demographic background, decision-making, recognition, marketing preferences and willingness to participation in the health clubs will be included in the survey and their relationship will also be analyzed. This study surveyed 346 respondents. The results show that respondents of different demographic background have different decision-making, recognition, marketing preferences and willingness to participation in the health clubs. Moreover, the respondents' decision-making, recognition, marketing preferences cause their willingness to participation in the health clubs. The findings of this research are to be presented to people in the health club business and to government agencies concerned with health, fitness and small business development. |