題 名 | 「試前準備期與考試當下無慮量表」編製之研究=The Development of "the Exam Preparation and On-exam Anxiety Scale" |
作 者 | 陳婉真; | 書刊名 | 測驗學刊 |
卷 期 | 53:2 民95.12 |
頁 次 | 頁181-204 |
分類號 | 521.18 |
關鍵詞 | 考試焦慮; 試前準備期; 考試當下; 高中學生; Test anxiety; Exam preparation stage; On-exam stage; High school students; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的主要目的在於編製一份新制的考試焦慮量表,並利用此量表初步探討「試前準備期」與「考試當下」的焦慮程度對於高中學生學業成績的影響。本研究嘗試以考試時間點為區分,將過去已發展的考試焦慮量表題目,歸類為試前準備期或考試當下特有的焦慮反應,並深入訪談18位高中學生在不同考試階段的焦慮表徵,編製「試前準備期與考試當下焦慮量表」,「試前準備期與考試當下焦慮量表」包含「試前準備期焦慮量表」與「考試當下焦慮量表」二分量表。在完成量表預試程序後,保使用該發展的考試焦慮量表為工具,以459位高中三年級學生為樣本 (男性246人,女性213人),進行信效度的考驗。為了準確測量試前準備期與考試當下的焦慮程度,每位受試者均在兩個時間點分別填寫問卷,第一個時間點於高中學科能力測驗前一個月,受試者接受「試前準備期焦慮量表」的施測,第二個時間點於學科能力測驗結束後,受試者接受「考試當下焦慮量表」的施測。研究結果發現,「試前準備期焦慮量表」可分為「試前焦慮」和「試前情緒性」兩因素,而「考試當下焦慮量表」則為一「臨場焦慮」因素,此三個因素所構成的分量表均具有良好的信度。在效度方面,高中學生「試前準備期與考試當下焦慮量表」的得分與其考試成績、特質焦慮、狀態焦慮量表得分均有顯著的相關。 |
英文摘要 | The main goal of this study is to develop a new test anxiety scale and to initially explore the impact of anxiety on academic performance in the "exam preparation stage" and "on-exam stage" separately for high school students. In this study, I tried to categorize scale items into exam preparation stage and on-exam stage anxiety manifestation based on items from past developed test anxiety scales, and further developed the Exam Preparation and On-exam Anxiety Scale according to eighteen high school students’ indepth interviews. The Exam Preparation and On-exam Anxiety Scale included two subscales, namely, Exam Preparation Anxiety and On-exam Anxiety. After revision from pretest, 459 third year high school students (246 males and 213 females) were used to test the reliability and validity of this developed scale. In order to precisely measure the anxiety level in exam preparation and on-exam stage, each participant answered the questionnaire on two time points: the Exam Preparation Anxiety Scale was administe red one month before the College Entrance Exam; the On-exam Anxiety Scale was administered immediately after the exam. The findings suggested that the Exam Preparation Anxiety Scale included two factors, pre-exam worry and pre-exam emotionality, which constituted two subscales and the On-exam Anxiety Scale included one factor, testing anxiety; the Exam Preparation and On-exam Anxiety Scale and its three subscales demonstrated good reliability estimates. In terms of validities of the scale, the Exam Preparation and On-exam Anxiety Scale was significantly related to high school students' exam score, trait anxiety, and state anxiety. |