題 名 | 一人公司的問題現況及修法方案之研究=Research on the Problems and Regulation of One-Man Company |
作 者 | 廖大穎; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 39 2007.01[民96.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-45 |
分類號 | 587.2 |
關鍵詞 | 一人公司; 股東會; 董事會; 監察人; 債權人; 關係企業; 公司治理; One-man company; Shareholder's meeting; Board of directors; Supervisor; Creditor; Corporate group; Corporate governance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 政府於民國90年公司法部份條文修正時,正式開放我國一人公司制度。當然,就如此的一人公司政策而言,雖一般認為其將消弭實務上長久以來對於一人公司「合法性」的爭議,並有效杜絕「借人頭」企業文化,的確是有助於我國公司法制的正面發展,但若針對民國90年公司法部份條文之修正與相關一人公司法制的配套設計,論者亦認為現行法僅調整公司法第98條有限公司的一人股東規定,並增訂公司法第128條之1有關政府或法人股東的一人股份有限公司之特別規定,例如發起人之設立、股東會之職權行使與董事、監察人之指派及調整第315條股份有限公司之法定解散事由規定等,使其有別於一般股份有限公司制度等,備受質疑如此的配套措施是否完備?基於此,本文試從民國90年公司法部份條文修正承認一人公司的現行法制,檢討我國一人公司的問題所在,並研析其法制設計上宜有的因應與思維;易言之,本稿在某種層面的意義係探討主管機關與一人公司法制的階段性目的,有鑒於一人公司學理上及實務上運作之問題,分析現行法制上「公司內部組織設計的失衡現象」、「公司外部交易安全與保護債權人」及「公司治理」等議題。 |
英文摘要 | The one-man company regulation was built during the amendment of company law, in 2001. The amendment on the one-man company regulation concludes some articles, just as the menber of shareholder, the shareholder's meeting, the appointment of director and supervisor etc. We know that the one-man company regulation does not only concern the private, individual enterprise, but also concern the organ function on the corporate group. There are some typical examples, like as the financial holding company and its own subordinate corporations. Therefore, concerning about the one-man company regulation, the problems arise from which the amendment seems to not enough regulate the one-man company's suituation. The purpose of this study is strying to be an analysis on the Taiwan's existing regulation of one-man company, and to examine the problems where are. Of course, the article will also examine the corporate governance function, especially the conflicts among the shareholder, director, superior, and stakeholder. |