題 名 | 東沙環礁的珊瑚相與珊瑚群聚健康狀況=Coral Study in Dongsha Atoll |
作 者 | 樊同雲; 郭兆揚; 方力行; | 書刊名 | Platax:An official publication of the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium |
卷 期 | 專刊 民94 |
頁 次 | 頁49-69 |
分類號 | 386.394 |
關鍵詞 | 東沙環礁; 珊瑚群聚; 東沙海域; 珊瑚; 生物多樣性; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究於2004年5和8月利用潛水照相,以及珊瑚群聚惡化指標與分枝形硬珊瑚的群體體型結構分布資料,調查東沙環礁海域珊瑚的多樣性與評估珊瑚群聚的健康狀況。結果紀錄包括石珊瑚、軟珊瑚、柳珊瑚、水螅珊瑚等,共有198種珊瑚。東沙環礁的北水道海域珊瑚群聚狀況較佳,石珊瑚與軟珊瑚的數量較豐富,珊瑚種類數目計142種,覆蓋率約30至40%,其中巨枝鹿角珊瑚、紋形鹿角珊瑚、肉質軟珊瑚、指形軟珊瑚和葉形軟珊瑚等種類數量較多。環礁的西側海域珊瑚群聚狀況尚可,石珊瑚與軟珊瑚皆有,珊瑚種類數目計104種,覆蓋率約30%,其中鹿角珊瑚、肉質軟珊瑚、指形軟珊瑚和葉形軟珊瑚等種類數量較多。南水道附近的珊瑚群聚狀況不佳,以石珊瑚為主,珊瑚種類數目計76種,覆蓋率約20%,其中鹿角珊瑚較多。東沙島沿岸、環礁內潟湖各地點與南水道西口之北方的珊瑚群聚普遍不佳,珊瑚種類數目計114種,珊瑚覆蓋率皆<10%,呈現惡化現象,包括水質混濁,基質布滿死亡珊瑚的骨骸片段,珊瑚群體體型小,惡化指標數值介於1至60.3,群體體型結構呈現最小群體的數量並非最多以及大群體數量少的分布型態;僅有東沙島東南海域出現較多珊瑚,種類以棘孔珊瑚、柱形微孔珊瑚和一些蕈珊瑚種類數量較多。過去記錄數量豐富並且有許多大型群體的桌形軸孔珊瑚,以及分枝形的軸孔珊瑚等皆成為骨骼殘骸,零星分布並且群體小。這些結果反映東沙海域珊瑚過去受損嚴重,而至今復原緩慢,亟待以人為努力進行復育,以協助其度過復原的瓶頸,使東沙島海域過去美麗豐富的珊瑚與珊瑚礁生物多樣性資源早日恢復。 |
英文摘要 | Coral fauna of Dongsha Atoll (Pratas island) was surveyed by scuba diving in May and August, 2004. A total of 198 species of corals, including scleractinians, alcyonaceans, gorgonaceans and hydrocorals, were recorded. The number of coral species recorded and coral coverage at North Channel, West Dongsha island and South Channel were 142 and 30-40%, 104 and 30%, and 76 and 20%, respectively. The number of coral species recorded and coral coverage near seashore and in the lagoon were 114 and <10%. Most of the substratum was covered by dead branching Acropora colonies. The health of coral communities in the lagoon was assessed using Deterioration Index. The mean Deterioration Index was high, ranged from 1.0 to 60.3. Size frequency distributions showed that there were little recruitment and few large colonies. Large foliaceous Echinopora colonies, poritids, and fungiids were abundant at the south-east side of the island where turbid water, bleaching and partial mortality of corals, and crown-of-thorns starfish were also found. Large Acropora colonies which were abundant in the previous surveys were not found in this study. The results indicate that the corals at Dongsha Atoll have been severely damaged. It suggests that proper conservation and restoration is urgently needed. |