題 名 | 大學教師的健康狀況與規律運動=A Study of Health Status and Regular Exercise Behavior of College and University Teachers |
作 者 | 林新龍; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒管理學報 |
卷 期 | 2:2 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁55-65 |
分類號 | 993.198 |
關鍵詞 | 大學教師; 規律運動; 自覺健康狀況; Regular exercise behavior; Theory of planned behavior; College teacher; University teacher; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 大學教師在一般人眼中是一個社會地位崇高的工作,但近年來發生多起大學教師過勞死的事件,不禁令人思疑:「如何讓大學教師有更健康的身體為學術與教育打拚?」。「教學、研究、服務」是大學教師的職責,但許多大學教師因為沈浸於研究而忘了自已,或對行政工作的責任心而忽視身體所發出的健康警訊。當政府與社會大眾在追求高等教育的品質之際,大學教師的工作品質與健康狀況也應獲得同等重視。因此本研究針對台灣地區的大學校院教師做一全面性調查,以求更了解目前大學教師自覺的健康情形與他們從事規律運動的情形。本研究的問卷在2005年6月底進行發放800份,共回收150份有效問卷。研究結果顯示在150位研究對象中只有不到一半的教師是無內臟器官自覺性疾病徵兆,而關節疼痛、腰酸背痛、頭痛、胸悶胸痛等毛病困擾著超過半數的教師。僅管如此,有從事規律運動的教師卻只有2/3,有19%的人表示過去曾經從事過規律運動,然而現在並沒有從事規律運動,更有14%的教師從未有過從事規律運動。藉由對大學教師的健康與規律運動情形的調查,政府教育部門及學校單位更能知道應該提供大學教師何種資源及幫助,避免大學教師因為工作而過勞死的遺憾再次發生。 |
英文摘要 | Regular exercise is thought necessary for health promotion and disease prevention. Numerous prior studies have provided evidence that both physical and mental health benefits can be gained from moderate regular exercise. The Department of Health and Human Services' publication Healthy People 2010 recommend moderate physical activity regularly, preferably daily, for a minimum of thirty minutes per day. College and university teachers are one of the important communities in Taiwan society. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understanding college and university teachers' regular exercise behavior and their physical health. Convenience combined with snowball sampling methods were used for data collection and finally a total 150 complete responses were used for explore the exercise behavior of college and university teachers. The results showed that over 65% of the college and university teachers had regular exercise currently; 19% teachers did not have regular exercise but they had regular exercise; 14% teachers never had regular exercise. |