題 名 | 臺北市某高中男生從事規律運動意圖和行為之研究=A Study of High School Male Students' Intention and Behavior Regarding Regular Exercise |
作 者 | 李碧霞; | 書刊名 | 醫學研究 |
卷 期 | 18:6 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁390-399 |
分類號 | 528.9014 |
關鍵詞 | 計劃行為理論; 理性行為理論; 態度; 主觀規範; 知覺行為控制; 規律運動意圖與行為; Theory of planned behavior; Theory of reasoned action; Attitude; Subjective norm; Perceived behavioral control; Regular exercise intention and behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究運用計劃行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior),以預測及解析高中男生從規律運動的意圖和行為,同時比較理性行為理論(The Theory of Reasoned Action)與計劃行為理論二者在解釋從事規律運動行為的適切性。依Ajzen和Fishbein所推薦的問卷方法,調查臺北市某市立高中456位男生,規律運動行為則以電話詢問,採自我報告評量的方法。研究結果大部分支持計劃行為理論的假設,意圖是預測行為的好因素。階層複迴歸分析發現,對從事規律運動的態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制可有效的解釋規律運動意圖,約達55%的變異量,其中以知覺行為控制對規律運動意圖的影響最大。有無從事規律運動,在行為信念、規範信念和控制信念上,有顯著差異。運用計劃行為理論預測從事規律運動意圖與行為,優於理性行為理論。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study is twofold: to predict and explain the male students' intention and behavior regarding regular exercise by means of Ajzen's theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and to compare TPB with the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to find out which theory is more feasible in explaining the adoption of regular exercise behavior. The Ajzen & Fishbein type of questionnaire was chosen and administered to 456 high school male students. Information about student's actual regular exercise behavior was gathered through telephone interviews two months after the survey questionnaire was conducted. The results indicated that the hypothesis of the TPB was highly supported. Students' intentions were significantly related to their actual regular exercise behavior. Multiple regression analysis provided that attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control accounted for 55% of variance in the intention to exercise regularly suggesting that perception of control has an important impact on a student's behavioral motivation Among students who did not exercise regularly, there were significant differences in behavior beliefs, normative beliefs and control beliefs, as compared with those who did. This study supported the hypothesis that the TPB was more successful than TRA in predicting behavior concerning regular exercise. |