題 名 | 成一家之言與通古今之變:究錢穆的史學觀點=Understanding and Interpreting the Past: Ch'ien Mu's Concepts of History |
作 者 | 周如怡; | 書刊名 | 東吳歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 15 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁41-67 |
分類號 | 128 |
關鍵詞 | 史學; 史觀; 錢穆; Historiography; Historical view; Ch'ien Mu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 錢穆賓四先生可謂民國以來最受人崇敬的史家之一,仰慕者常以錢先生對中華文化的倡導與肯定,佩讚其愛國情操與熱切的救國之心;而論者除了惋惜先生對西方文化的瞭解不足,更有嘆於其鮮明的民族立場所難以避免的諸多歷史偏見。然關於先生的史觀實甚少有深入與全面的探討。事實上,先生對於中華文化的提倡以及中國歷史的重視,與他對全人類命運的關懷密不可分。先生的史學思想對人類的貢獻並不在提倡民族認同或者是多元文化,而是企圖由歷史時空中發現為人的普遍性價值與意義-中國歷史即是其素材。先論歷史學的本質是一門人事之學,與物理學有天地之別。歷史分為三個層次:歷史本身、歷史材料、及吾人所需要的歷史知識。若將歷史學作為一門探尋歷史知識的學問,則當義理、考據、辭章三者並備,而臻於經國濟世之用。次論歷史學與其他人事之學的不同,在於透過對歷史時間、事件與人物的辨析,作義理之辨。先要有歷史時間的觀念,才會有歷史精神的體現,我們纔能掌握住歷史事件。最後論史學之目的在於研究歷史之精神,史學研究者該嘗試體會、進而掌握每一時代之社會風氣,人心特徵。先生的史學觀點在今日之人視之,可說是先知先覺,它與吾人在這無論是人心或學術研究上的徬徨時代許多的啟示與鼓舞。 |
英文摘要 | Mr. Ch'ien Mu is considered one of the most respected Chinese historians of the twentieth century. His reputation is mainly established on his patriotic attitudes towards Chinese history, whereas some deem this patriotic passion baneful to his academic works. However, despite of Mr. Ch'ien's plenty admirers, there are few serious works discussing his historical perspective systematically. Mr. Ch'ien did not intend to use history as a means to promote nationalism; on the contrary, studying Chinese history is the result of his universal concern of all human beings. We shall understand the meaning of being humanity through the study of history. Mr. Ch'ien first distinguished between humanities and sciences by their purposes instead of methods; then developed three concepts of "history", which are historical facts, historical materials and historical interpretations. The most important feature of historiography is its consideration of time, which made it possible to catch the meaning and spirits of history. Mr. Ch'ien's concepts of history presaged those which appear in the late twentieth century while many considered it backward at the beginning of that century. This is where the true value of Mr. Ch'ien's works lies. |