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題 名 | 論錢賓四先生「中國文化特質」說之形成與其內涵=The Formation and Content of Chien Mu's Interpretation on Chinese Cultural Essence |
作 者 | 戴景賢; | 書刊名 | 臺大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 26 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁39-62 |
專 輯 | 錢穆與現代中國史學 |
分類號 | 601 |
關鍵詞 | 中國現代史學; 中國現代儒學; 中國文化特質; 中西文化比較; 史學方法; 文化哲學; 錢穆; China studies; Chinese modern history; Chinese modern thought; Confucianism; Chinese culture; Comparison of the East and the West; Philosophy of history; Philosophy of culture; Chien Mu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 錢賓四 (穆) (1894-1990) 先生之學術,就其整體之組合言,有屬於儒學之基礎者,亦有屬於現代史學之成份。所謂儒學基礎部份,指錢先生於其整體學術思惟之最深處,不唯具有儒家之價值信仰,且在其宏觀之學術認知與學術攷量上,始終係以孔子所啟示於中國學術之核心精神為主幹,探尋儒學發展之最大可能。在錢先生面對中國學術之現代化議題,包括思攷如何因應西方學術思想之衝擊時,此一態度極為明顯。然基於哲學性思惟本身自我建構之特性,人所秉持之觀點一旦接受一種對於自身具有說服力之思想之影響,則在調整後之視界中,屬於新的思想成份與舊的思惟架構,即可能相立適應,從而產生新的融合。錢先生整體學術思想中,所以亦可分析出某些屬於現代史學之成份,即是因此。本文所欲討論者,即是以此兩種觀念因素之組合為著眼,企圖將錢先生一生最主要有關中國文化特質之意見,將以整合,並歸納出一主軸。且亦嘗試依未來史學之可能發展,對於錢先生此一思惟或將產生之效應,作出討論與評估。 |
英文摘要 | Professor Chien Mu (1894-1990) was one of the most influential historians in modern China. His research on Chinese history has been highly appreciated but at the same time controversial, and the most often debated topic has been that of his obvious Confucianism style. This essay tries to analyze and evaluate, through a thorough study, the fundamental structure of Chien’s historical concept and its basic value system underneath. The author argues that, although most of Chien’s contemporary critics have treated him as a conservative in confronting China’s modernization challenge, Chien’s basic issue was always a genuine modern one, that is: how to situate and interpret China in world history. He believed that nation, culture, and life style were three aspects of one thing and, among these three, the guiding and dynamic force in China has always been the traditional value system of the Chinese. In order to construct and defend his theory, he adopted an organic viewpoint that in some ways resembled that of the German historian Oswald Spengler (1880~1936). But, Spengler’s historical morphologys as presented in Der Untergang des Abendlandes: Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte (1918-1922) ,was based upon an explicit relativism, which left no room for any “perennial” cultural form. In contrast to this pessimistic point of view, Chien emphasized that cultural systems in some cases did survive and escape the destiny that Spengler held to be doomed and hence inevitable. Chien’s entire lifetime work of interpreting Chinese history was to trace out the fundamental essence of the culture and to compare it with the other world cultural systems. His concern was to mount a strong defense against the prevailing Marxist historical determinism. His efforts to see history as a creation of man’s search for values has bequeathed a clue for other historians to reconsider China's history and its potential contribution to the world in general. |