題 名 | 臺灣精神健康指數調查=A Survey of the Taiwan Mental Health Index |
作 者 | 楊聰財; 李宇宙; 林喬祥; 丘彥南; 胡海國; | 書刊名 | 臺灣精神醫學 |
卷 期 | 20:2 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁104-115 |
分類號 | 415.95 |
關鍵詞 | 精神健康指數; 臺灣精神健康指數量表; 預防精神醫學; 信; 效度; Mental health index; Taiwan mental health inventory; Reliability validity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:完成精神健康指數量表,與台灣一般人口樣本的精神健康指數調查。方法:編製「台灣精神健康指數量表」,從住宅電話電腦資料庫抽選1076 位樣本進行訪問,並分析影響精神健康指數之因素。結果:成功建立一個具有良好信效度,以5 點評量之21 題精神健康指數量表。因素分析發現精神健康指數包含心身健康、生活掌握、個人價值與家庭功能四層面。各層面之精神健康指數依得分平均值分為良好(≧4.0)、尚可(≧3.5、< 4.0)、略差(≧3、< 3.5)與不佳(<3.0)四等級。2002 年國人「整體精神健康」與「生活掌握指數」皆是3.7、「個人價值」3.2、「心身健康」4.0、「家庭功能」4.3。除心身健康與家庭功能兩層面外,均不在良好範圍內。多變項分析發現平均收入、教育程度與整體精神健康有相關。結論:精神健康指數應包含多個面向。精神健康指數量表可定期調查國人精神健康,本研究之發現揭示提昇國人精神健康之方向,有利我國預防精神醫學之發展。 |
英文摘要 | Objectives:To develop a taiwanese Mental Health Inventory (TMHI) and to use this instrument to survey mental health indices (MHI) in Taiwan for the year 2002. Methods: A 21-item Taiwan mental health index scale was designed and adminiatered by telephone interciew to 1076 community residents throughout Taiwan whose telephone numbers were selected by a computer-assi-sted random digit method. The associated variables of mental health indices were examined using one way ANOVA and logistic regression analysis. Results: This study has established a 21-item TMHI. Each item was rated using a 5-point scale. The TMHI showed good validity and reliability. Fsvyot analysis demonstrated this instrument covers 4-dimensions of mental health contents including:"psuchosomatic health","personal value","self-control of life",and "family function". Each dimension was classified into 4 ranks of good (MHI≧4.0), acceptable (4.0>MHI≧3.5), fair (3.5>MHI≧3.0) and poor (3.0<MHI). The scores of "global mental health index","self-control of life","personal value","psychosomatic health", and "family function" were3.7,3.7,3.2,4.0, and 4.3 respectively. the suboptimal scores in the mental health indices of "selfcontrol of life" and "personal value" suggested greater attention to these areas is needed. Both "average income" and "education level" were significantly associated with "global mental health". Conclusion: This study has established the TMHI and demonstrated that it has 4 dimensions. The assessment of mental health indices in the Taiwanese population is likely to hace important implications in preventive psychiatry. Periodic monitoring of the general population using the TMHI may provide key background data for understanding the spectrum of mental health in the community. |