題 名 | 復原力保護因子效果概化之統合分析=A Meta-Analysis of Effect Generalizations of Protective Factors of Resilience |
作 者 | 曾文志; | 書刊名 | 諮商輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 14 民95.06 |
頁 次 | 頁1-35 |
分類號 | 176.75 |
關鍵詞 | 復原力; 危機因子; 保護因子; 正向適應; 統合分析; Resilience; Risk factor; Protective factor; Positive adaptation; Meta-analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究收集1970到2004年來相關復原力保護因子的研究,運用統合分析技術,計算復原力保護因子的效果量,以概括詮釋過去實徵性之復原力保護因子量化研究的發展,統合分析結果指出,復原力的型態不僅建立在多樣化的逆境內涵,包括生物性的,心理性的,社會性的危機,同時復原力型態更重要的架構在於,儘管這些重大逆境可能對個體發展造成相當程度的負面衝擊,個體仍然能夠維持良好的能力,包括認知,心理以及社會方面的健全適應。其中,有助於逆境中的個體維持正向適應的保護因子經過統合分析,研究發現共有14項具有精確效果量的保護因子與7項效果量不夠穩定的保護因子,涵蓋在個人特質、家庭聯結,與外在支持等不同層面。在外在系統層面上,家庭與外在聯結這項保護因子呈現中上且精確的效果量,是最為顯著的保護因子。在個人特質上,自尊這項保護因子,自尊這項保護因子效果量的不穩定性,呈現具有需要更進一步去探討的意義。而外在系統的同儕社會性與個人特質的挫折忍受力這兩項保護因子,則呈現效果量最大但卻不夠穩定的結果。根據這些結論,本研究針對預防與介入研究,以及針對未來復原力研究,提供具體建議,另外也提出本研究結果有所限制之處。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, the researcher used meta-analytic methods to calculate the effect sizes for protective factors and generalize the effect of protective factors by summarizing previous empirical resilience studies. In total, 24 meta-analyses were carried out from 21 prior studies, including 13 variables classified as protective factors of individual characteristics, 5 as protective factors of family connection, and 6 as protective factors of external support. In 14 of the meta-analyses, the precise estimates of the effect size of protective factors were found. In the other, the true effect size of protective factors were not found because of the existence of a moderator effect, and hence further empirical research is needed to confirm the nature of the effect size of protective factors. Based upon the meta-analytic findings, implications for prevention and intervention research, and future resilience studies are discussed. |