- 以橈足類為例簡介支序系統學的概念與原理
- Phylogenic Relationships in the Drosophila nasuta Species Group (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A RAPD Approach
- 杉木、香杉、柳杉及臺灣杉種間雜交性質之初步研究
- 利用trnL intron序列分析低等金縷梅類植物分子親緣
- 從橈足類的微觀與宏觀世界談起
- Phylogenetic Position of Raphanus in Relation to Brassica Species Based on 5S rRNA Spacer Sequence Data
- 鰻魚地理分布的演化過程
- Taxonomic Composition and Grazing Impact of Calanoid Copepods in Coastal Waters Near Nuclear Power Plants in Northern Taiwan
- 臺北市立動物園黑猩猩族群STR血緣分析之研究
- Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of a tuf Gene from Loofah Witches' Broom Phytoplasma