- A Rhetorical Analysis and Theological Implications of Ezekiel's “Vision of Dry Bones”
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題 名 | A Rhetorical Analysis and Theological Implications of Ezekiel's “Vision of Dry Bones”=以西結書中〈平原骸骨復甦異象敘述〉之修辭剖析暨其神學涵義 |
作 者 | 蔡梅曦; | 書刊名 | 靜宜語文論叢 |
卷 期 | 1:2 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁29-67 |
分類號 | 241.44 |
關鍵詞 | 修辭學批判方法與運用; 解經與詮釋; 古代以色列先知傳統; 擄放時期; 擄放與回歸重建; 以西結; 異象敘述; 語言技巧; 格律運用; 三段論式; 摩西律法儀禮上的不潔淨; 死亡與復活觀; Rhetorical criticism; Exegesis and hermeneutics; Ancient israelite prophecy; The exilic age; Exile and restoration; Ezekiel; Vision report; Verbal strategy; Syllogism; Ritual uncleanness; Death and resurrection; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本篇論文首先檢驗西方論辯修辭的歷史定義及其原則與風格,進而突出修辭學如何明思辨,通文法,由中古時期、文藝復興至近代,修辭原理與修辭格律闡揚語義辭章中不可或缺的形式結構,字藝句詣,藻繪修飾,形聲意象,情境事典。第二部份討論過去半世紀以來聖經神學研究上,修辭學批判學門如何崛起,以及語言修辭學於解經詮釋的學術運用方面,有相當水平的貢獻。本文的第三部份,集中於古代以色列先知以西結書卅七章〈平原骸骨復甦異象〉一文的剖析,說明了此樁神啟異象如何以巴比倫擄放時期為背景,展現論理學上的表意與方式,並深具語辭運籌馳書之妙趣,不僅闡明舊約聖經神學上公義審判與慈愛拯救的救贖論,而且標示了舊約猶太教經典中之生死、復活觀念,於本異象的修辭技巧與象徵意義外,另有一值得深入的宗教課題。 |
英文摘要 | Combining literary criticism and Biblical studies, this article starts with a sketch of the definition and history of ‘rhetoric’ from the antiquity to modern times, followed by an investigation into the relation of rhetorical criticism with Biblical studies as a critical method of exegesis and hermeneutics. The main part of the paper is a rhetorical analysis of the Vision of Dry Bones recorded in Ezekiel 37, highlighting the formalist features of verbal strategy and rhetorical situation, exigence, and solution contained therein. Ezekiel's writing reflects the anguish of Israel after the loss of statehood and Temple cult as a result of the Babylonian conquest in the year of 588-587 B.C. The end section that deals with a theology of resurrection is consequential to a discursive thought on the particular subject of Israel's hope of restoration. (Please note that for the general readership the Hebrew scripts are transliterated and annotations and comments at the critical apparatus are simplified). |