- Clarification of the Antecedents of Hospital Nurse Organizational Citizenship Behavior--An Example from a Taiwan Regional Hospital
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題 名 | Clarification of the Antecedents of Hospital Nurse Organizational Citizenship Behavior--An Example from a Taiwan Regional Hospital=醫院護理人員組織公民行為前置變項之探討--以臺灣某區域醫院為例 |
作 者 | 朱正一; 李明憲; 徐祥明; 陳奕芝; | 書刊名 | The Journal of Nursing Research |
卷 期 | 13:4 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁313-324 |
分類號 | 419.8 |
關鍵詞 | 組織公民行為; 工作滿意度; 主管支持; 程序正義; 組織承諾; Organizational citizenship behavior; OCB; Job satisfaction; Supervisor support; Procedural justice; Organizational commitment; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 組織公民行為由於能激發員工間的正向關係及讓員工融入組織活動而被視為重要且不可或缺的員工行為。在醫療服務組織,一般咸信組織公民行為亦可以加速醫院目標的達成與績效的改善。本研究旨在延伸文獻中有關組織公民行為的研究,宏觀探討醫院護理人員組織公民行為的前置變項,並且驗證其在非西方文化組織中的應用性。本研究以314位醫院非主管職的護理人員為對象,為避免共同方法偏誤,研究問卷中有關研究對象之組織公民行為的評量由其直屬主管填答。研究者以探索性因素分析檢驗研究變項的聚斂效度與區辨效度;以多元迴歸分析檢驗各變項對依變項的淨影響與解釋力。結果發現工作滿意度、主管支持、工作投入及程序正義對護理人員的組織公民行為有顯著的影響。本研究藉由選擇非西方文化組織的我國某健康照護機構為研究對象,而能對此一源於西方文化之組織公民行為研究之瞭解提供貢獻。 |
英文摘要 | Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) are deemed indispensable due to their importance in promoting positive relationships among employees and involving employees in the organization's activities. OCB is believed to facilitate attainment of a hospital's goals and enhance a hospital's performance. The aim of this study is to extend the work of previous studies by providing an integrated model of OCB and demonstrate its applicability in a non-Western culture. Questionnaires were completed by 314 non-supervisory hospital nurses, each of whom was given a supervisor rating for their OCB. Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the variables in the model. Multiple regression analysis was used because it provided estimates of net effects and explanatory power. The results showed that job satisfaction, supervisor support, job involvement, and procedural justices had significant effects on the nurses' citizenship behaviors. Since the study used a non-Western site in one of Taiwan's health care institutions, its overall findings should contribute to further understanding of the cross-cultural aspects of OCB. |