題 名 | 布農族的打干樂活動--以臺東縣海端鄉霧鹿村為例=Kan-Lok Playing Active in Bunun |
作 者 | 蔡榮捷; | 書刊名 | 鄉土文化研究所學報 |
卷 期 | 1 民88.12 |
頁 次 | 頁165-189 |
分類號 | 994.26 |
關鍵詞 | 干樂; 鄉土體育; 鄉土文化; 陀螺; 布農族; 霧鹿; Kan-lok; Top; Culture; Bunun; Bul-bul; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「干樂」這個名詞,在音譯上、熟知阿洛語系的人都能意會。此為早期臺灣鄉間普遍流傳的自製童玩。它的一般外貌是,就地取材的圓錐形木塊。為使其轉動持久,通常在其圓錐的頂點鑲入鐵釘、稱為「頭釘」,或為遊戲時攻擊他人的干樂、將「頭釘」設計成斧狀。施打時以搓成的麻繩依順序繞於圓錐木塊,一拋一拉、使干樂在地上持續自轉。 生長在臺灣的人、很多人都有打干樂的經驗,是早期臺灣鄉間很普遍的鄉土童玩,在搜尋國外的文獻後,我們也可以發現在歐亞大陸、美洲、非洲等也都有類似的童玩,儘管形式、打法略有不同,但都有幾分神似,總稱為「TOP」;打干樂似乎是世界性的活動,基於如此的認知,筆者也發現日據時代的「番族調查」中,有關於泰雅族、布農族的生活中也有打干樂活動的記載,其中農族的打干樂活動更與祭典活動有所關聯。為了更進一步了解這種舉世都有的鄉土活動,更能明瞭打干樂活動中的文化意義和意涵;所以擬以布農族為對象,臺東縣海端鄉霧鹿材的郡社群部落為起點,考查打干樂活動在其祭典,生活乃至休閒活動中的角色和地位;盼望更進一步探索「打干樂」活動在人類社會中的意義時能有所啟發。 由文獻資料的研究和實地考察霧鹿村的干樂活動後我們可以得知: 一、在傳統的布農族祭典儀式中,打干樂曾經是項重要的活動,並且在活動中有重要的意義:它是小米生長順利的象徵,更是小米豐收的保證。布農族的除草祭中干樂擔任著一個重要的角色,儘管象徵的意義各有不同的說法,但活動中藉干樂祈求小米順利生長而豐收的目的是顯而易見的。 二、打干樂的時機及參與的人是有限制的,禁忌規定使得打干樂活動不是人人能參與的。實地考察霧鹿村的干樂活動,得知近代的打干樂活動並不限於祭典活動中,成為農閒時、平常時的休閒活動、甚至成為孩童的遊戲玩具。 三、打干樂的活動中,干樂製作的取材和週遭植披緊密的連結,反映了布農族干樂的獨特性,也驗證臺灣原住民長期以來和大自然維持平衡的關係。說明了打干樂這種舉世皆有的活動,隨著環境和人文活動的特色,以各種不同的面貌呈現在世界的各個角落當中。 四、隨著時代的變遷,干樂的材料、製作、打法以及所代表的意義,各有不同。從這些探討當中我們可以看出各地的鄉土文化的特色及內涵。 五、時代的變遷毫不停頓,特別是休閒時代已經來臨。重捨舊有文化時,打干樂活動就有了新時代的做法和意義。它不再是祭典中嚴肅的「法器」,是加入觀光性質的祭典活動當中、成為親子育樂活動、或加入學校課程中的鄉土體育教材,都能為布農文化帶來新的生命和活力。 |
英文摘要 | "Kan-Lok", a word mimicking the sound of "Top" in Taiwanese, is a cone-shape DIY toy very popular among children in the countryside Taiwan in early days. The cone-shape body is made of wood. People usually place a nail at the point of the cone in order to make the spinning last for a much longer time. To play, people take a thick cotton thread to circle the cone in a spiral and then throw the Kan-Lok and pull the string. The "Kan-Lok" will spin swiftly, whirling around on the ground smoothly and beautifully. People in early Taiwan have the experience of playing "Kan-Lok", and they did have much fun. Although it is originally an activity for children, Adults enjoy the fun, too. And it is not an activity only existing in Taiwan. Through my study, I found that people in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa etc. all play tops. The differences are in that they were made in all kinds of materials and were played in different ways. In a word, "Kan-Lok" (Top) playing seems a worldwide activity. After collecting and analyzing some culture heritage data. I've got a conclusion that Kan-Lok playing has long been existed in Bunun society. It is also part of their sacrificial ceremony. Now, I'd like to star from looking into the origins, the historical background, and the ways of Kan-Lok playing and the material used for making Kan-Lok in Bul-Bul Tsun in Taitung to find out the meaning of its existence in modern society. I hope that through my study, I can present something that is meaningful and bears revealations to our traditional culture. Here are my findings: A. Bunun take "Kan-Lok" playing as an important symbol of a guarantee that there will be a great rice harvest in the coming year. B. Owing to some taboos, "Kan-Lok" playing is not an activity everyone can do. Only certain people can play at certain times. Nevertheless, it is now quiet a normal and general activity that everyone in the tribe can engage in it at his leisure. C. The distinctive feature of "Kan-Lok" playing in Bunun is that people make full use of the surrounding materials, including plants. It explains the phenomenon that the aborigines have long had balanced relationship with Mother Nature. It also explains that "Kan-Lok" playing has been changing with Mother Nature and humanistic environment. Time changes, and the meaning of "Kan-Lok" playing changes. The study above-mentioned lets us know the characteristic and distinctive innermost in different places in a culture. It's a time for us to lay much emphasis on leisure activities. Not surprisingly, "Kan-Lok" playing should be given its new and variety meaning at this moment. If it became part of the sightseeing activity, family recreation activity, or even folk athletics course, it could surely add a new and surprising vigor to the Bunum culture. |