題 名 | 《韓非子》〈解老〉、〈喻老〉篇的詮釋特色=The Characteristic of Hanfeitzu's Interpreatation of Laotzu in the Jielao and Yulao |
作 者 | 邱黃海; | 書刊名 | 東海大學文學院學報 |
卷 期 | 46 民94.07 |
頁 次 | 頁185-203 |
分類號 | 121.67 |
關鍵詞 | 解釋方法; 文獻脈絡; 歷史意識; 解老篇的主要概念與次要概念; 物與理的親密性; 道之概念的無限性與超越性; 韓非德之概念的通義; 以史事解經的限制; Interpretative method; Contextual situation; Historical consciousness; The primary and secondary concepts of Hanfeizu's interpretation of Laotzu; The infinity of Wu and Li; The transcendent and infinite character of Tao; The general meaning of Hanfei's concept of Te limitations of interpreting; Ching through historical stories; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 學界對《韓非子》之理解《老子》之所以仍未能洞透其義理脈絡的緣故在於其解釋方式的過患。本文之作特別強調兩個詮釋原則:對於相關的概念,一方面要有清晰的歷史意,也就是說,不可毫不批判其他時代乃至於其他傳統的概念作解;另一方面則要嚴格地盯緊文獻脈絡。依照這樣的方法本文首次成功地洞穿〈解老〉、〈喻老〉篤的議理脈絡。本文的第一個成果是看出〈解老〉篇「物」與「理」兩個形而下的概念的親密性;相對地「道」之概念的無限性與超越性也因而突顯。其次,透過對「德」之概念的通義的確而照明韓非如何建立一個新型態的形上學、修養工夫論、養生觀、君王統後學與權謀論。〈喻老〉篇的詮釋特色在於其特別著重以史、事解經。若就義理內涵而觀,〈喻老〉篇並未超出〈解老〉之外而別有建樹。 |
英文摘要 | Hanfeitzu’s understanding of Laotzu has remained fundamentally unclear due primarily to failures in methodology. This article stresses two interpretative principles. First, in interpreting Chinese classical philosophical terms, one should not uncritically borrow seemingly similar ideas from the west and presume without justification that these products of western philosophical soil would also appear in the Chinese tradition. Second, relevant concepts should be interpreted instead strictly through their literary and cultural contexts. Doing so sheds light on the inner structure of Hanfei’s understanding of Laotzu revealing: 1)the affinity of the concepts of “Thing” and of “Li,” in contrast to other popular interpretations, which in turn foregrounds the transcendence and the infinity of the concept of “Tao”; 2)how, thorugh the determination of the general meaning of the concept of “Te”, Hanfeitzu builds his understanding of Laotzu’s metaphysics and his theories of life-preservation, of self-cultivation, and of stateraft. |