- Employing a Multicriteria Evaluation System to Monitor the Performance of Coffee Chain Stores in Taiwan
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題 名 | Employing a Multicriteria Evaluation System to Monitor the Performance of Coffee Chain Stores in Taiwan=以多準則評估系統監控臺灣咖啡鏈鎖店之經營績效 |
作 者 | 葉燉烟; 鄭景俗; | 書刊名 | 管理學報 |
卷 期 | 22:6 民94.12 |
頁 次 | 頁805-821 |
分類號 | 483.8 |
關鍵詞 | 績效評估; 超效率; 咖啡連鎖店; 資料包絡分析; Performance evaluation; Superefficiency; Coffee chain store; Data envelopment analysis; DEA; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 台灣的咖啡連鎖店不可避免地需要面對消費額及開店數高度成長,但存活率卻極低的經營競爭環境,本文的目的即在於建立一套多準則評估系統,以監測台灣咖啡連鎖店的經營績效,進而能在如此激烈的經營環境存活下來。 此套多準則評估系統所引用的研究方法包含資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)及其延伸模型超效率模型(superefficiency model),以及兩類特殊的績效分析設計。本文的貢獻包括下列三項:其一,本文為評估台灣咖啡連鎖店經營績效的第一份研究,並且亦是率先將資料包絡分析法應用於咖啡連鎖產業的研究;其二,透過兩類的「影響力分析」,可以清楚洞悉每一家連鎖店的優劣勢所在,以及所謂「高影響力」連鎖店的影響程度;其三,本文為每一家效率的連鎖店建立二個確認學習標竿的機制,以利績效改善方案的提出。 兩家被評定為有嚴重經營瑕疪的連鎖店於本文執行期間即已倒閉之實證案例,影像力分析的具體成果,以及學習標竿機制的建立,驗證本文所建立的多準則評估系統對咖啡連鎖店的經營績效具有良好監測能力。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan, the coffee chain industry confronts the competitions: great consumption potential, highly increasing new-open stores, but with low survival rate. The objective of this study aims at employing a multicriteria evaluation system to monitor the performance of coffee chain stores (CCS) for surviving the intense competition. The system contains the adoptions of DEA and its extension, ”superefficiency” model, and several specific analysis designs. The contribution is threefold. First, this study is the first research toward the evaluation of coffee chain industry in Taiwan and also a pioneering application of DEA to this industry. Second, two types of ”influence analysis” are conducted to identify managerial insights about what the weakness or strength of a store is and what extent a ”high influence” store effects. Third, two mechanisms are also established to confirm the benchmarks for proposing associated improvement for each DEA-inefficient store. The empirical finding, two stores that are identified as the defective units went out of business during the research period, the managerial insights of influence analysis and the establishment of two mechanisms for conforming the benchmark show the feasibility of our system for monitoring the performance of CCSs. |