- The Application of DEA to Measure Bank Branch Efficiency
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題 名 | The Application of DEA to Measure Bank Branch Efficiency=應用資料包絡分析法衡量銀行分行之營運效率 |
作 者 | 李竹芬; | 書刊名 | 暨大學報 |
卷 期 | 5:2 2001.10[民90.10] |
頁 次 | 頁195-220 |
分類號 | 562.29 |
關鍵詞 | 資料包絡分析; 銀行業; 效率; 績效評估; Data envelopment analysis; DEA; Banking; Efficiency performance measurement; Returns to scale; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究應用資料包絡分析方法,來評估一家公營德國儲蓄銀行之分行營運效率。除了篩選出相對上較無效率之分行外,並針對每一分行的資源利用、存貸款業務與營運規模等 方面,提出改進方向的重要資訊供管理當局參考。研究結果顯示,實證樣本中,有超過半數以上的分行被評定為相對無效率。在大多數之情形下,營運的無效率可歸咎於資源浪費及分 行營運規模不適當雙方面因素所引起。基於較無生產力之分行能改善成為最有效率分行之假設下,我們進一步衡量出,此家年營業額達2,445.8百萬馬克的儲蓄銀行應該可以在不降低目 前服務品質水準下,節省2.3到2.6百萬馬克的營業費用。同時,在不消耗額外資源的情況,它還能再吸引164.3到224.2百萬馬克的存款,以及提供12.3到69.9百萬馬克的貸款。這些 潛在的改進數據,乃參考與無效率分行在性質上最為接近的效率分行所能達到之營運效率而求得。因此,它們能為資源配置及策略計劃提供有用資訊,以達更佳的營運效率。 |
英文摘要 | This paper uses DEA to evaluate the operational performance, based on a cross-sectional sample, of a German savings bank's branches, in terms of their ability to utilize labor, capital and materials to produce deposits and loans. The major findings suggest that more than one half of the branches should be identified as relatively inefficient. These operational inefficiencies generally contributed to a combination of wasteful overuse of resources and operating at a wrong scale. Moreover, we find that the savings bank with a total business volume of DM 2,445.8 million should be able to achieve a total saving on operating expenses ranging from DM 2.3 to 2.6 million, attract additional deposits ranging from DM 164.3 to 224.2 million, and provide extra loans ranging from DM 12.3 to 69.9 million. Finally, the results of our various analyses are found to depend somewhat on the choice of output measures to define bank activities. |