題 名 | 影的告別--論魯迅的現代意識與個人主義=Farewell of the Shadow: A Review of Lu Xun's Modernism and Individualism |
作 者 | 陳雀倩; | 書刊名 | 中文學報 |
卷 期 | 12 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁145-171 |
分類號 | 823.28 |
關鍵詞 | 魯迅; 野草; 虛無; 啟蒙; 自我; 魏連殳; 孤獨者; 先覺者; 知識份子; 現代意識; 現代主義; 個人主義; 無政府主義; Lu Xun; Wild grass; Nihility; Enlightenment; Self; Wei Lianshu; Solitaire; Foreseer; Intellectual; Modern mentality; Modernism; Individualism; Anarchism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本篇論文主要以魯迅小說,及散文集《野草》中複雜難解,而又孤獨深刻的個人主義與現代意識做為討論重點。首先,以魯迅對歐陸哲人(尼采、易卜生、契爾克加德、叔本華)的個人主義理論之理解做為他那個時代所具備的文化語境之展示。再者,從《野草》中頹廢與虛無的現代意識與「自我」在善惡明暗之間的徬徨與掙扎中,窺探他複雜與深刻的個人主義,而這樣苦惱難解的存在感顯影,進一步帶領我們去探索魯迅筆下的個人與社會之間的關係。從魏連殳式的人物典型中,我們可以看到魯迅對於中國知識份子形象的期待,而這種期待似乎具有兩種意義:即「零餘者」與「先覺者」,在這樣的知識份子翦影與「個人」概念裡究竟會產生出怎樣的現代主義之內容?而魯迅作品中的個人主義與他文學中的意念核心--啟蒙--具有什麼關係?他的個人主義經過怎樣的轉變歷程?及在那個時代又代表了怎樣的意義?本文試圖從以上幾個進路來探討魯迅的文學與當時的社會文化之間起了什麼互動與作用,試圖在現代主義思潮的回溯中,重新領會魯迅作品於當時社會的象徵性行為。 |
英文摘要 | This article focuses on the sophisticated, solitaire yet profound individualism and modernism Lu Xun carries in his novels and a collection of essays, Wild Grass. In the first place, it is Lu Xun's understanding about the individualism of European philosophers (Nietzsche, Henrik Ibsen, SΦren Aabye Kierkegaard and Arthur Schopenhaur) that is on display as cultural context on the age. Secondly, it is sense and struggle the decadent and nihility modern mentality and self between bad and god and the bright and the dark excerpted in Wild Grass that allows us to check out his sophisticated yet profound individualism. Development of this troubled existence takes us to further sort out the relationship between individuals and the community the way Lu Xun sees it. In the typical characters such as Wei Lianshu, we do realize that Lu Xun expects sound image from Chinese intellectuals and that expectation bears 2 meanings: The follower and the foreseer. In the profile and the perception of individualism of such an intellectual, what a kind of modernism could be created? How is Lu Xun's individualism related with the core idea of his literature - enlightening? What a kind of transformation has his individualism undergone? What does it mean to his time? In this work, we try to sort out the interaction between Lu Xun's literature and the culture of the community of that time from a number of approaches and it is our purpose of understanding the symbolic act Lun Xun's works meant to the community of his time. |