題 名 | 歷史街區遊客社會心理承載量與情緒體驗關係之研究=A Study on Social Carrying Capacity and Emotional Experiences of Visitors in the Historical Streets |
作 者 | 李麗雪; 羅國瑜; | 書刊名 | 造園學報 |
卷 期 | 11:1 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 992.014 |
關鍵詞 | 擁擠認知; 電腦視覺模擬; Perceived crowding; Computer visual simulation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究是以臺灣具代表性歷史街區的彰化鹿港埔頭街及臺南安平延平街做為研究樣區,以電腦動態模擬影片,探討遊客對歷史街區空間體驗之社會心理承載量與情緒體驗的關係。在先驅研究歸納出彰化鹿港埔頭街及臺南安平延平街之擁擠認知指標,不擁擠感受均在15人以下;彰化鹿港埔頭街的適中感受介於16人至40人之間,臺南安平延平街則介於16人至60人之間;擁擠感受在彰化鹿港埔頭街是41人以上,臺南安平延平街是61人以上;並得出遊客在彰化鹿港埔頭街對擁擠感受比在臺南安平延平街較為強烈。再經實證研究結果顯示,遊客對歷史街區的情緒體驗兩項情緒體驗因素說明之。且無論是就整體街區考量,或就個別案例分析,都顯示遊客在遊憩歷史街區遇見不同遊客人數,會影響遊客在遊憩歷史街區時的情緒體驗;同時擁擠認知指標對歷史街區街道景觀的兩項基本情緒體驗因素皆具有顯著影響。 |
英文摘要 | The computer dynamic simulation of Lu-gang's Pu-tou Street and An-ping's Yan-ping Street in, which is representative of historical street area in Taiwan. The research is to investigate the social carrying capacity and emotional experience of visitors in the two streets. In previous study it reveals both the two streets uncrowned perception lies below the number of 15 persons; In Pu-tou Street the moderate perception lies between 16 and 40 persons and in Yan-ping Street it lays between 16 and 60 persons; the crowded perception in Pu-tou Street lies above 41 persons and in Yan-ping Street it lies above 61 persons. Hence the perceived crowding of visitors in Pu-tou Street is stronger than in Yan-ping Street. The result of research regarding the emotional experience of visitors to historical streetscape can be described by the tow factors of emotional experiences. The analysis of when the visitor contacts other visitor's tour around historical streets is related to the emotional experience in historical streetscape. And the index of perceived crowding will affect the emotional experience of visitors. |