題 名 | 上班族對運動休閒參與動機、行為與阻礙因素之研究--以臺北地區為例=The Research of Recreational Sports Participation Motivation、Behavior and the Factors of constrains of Workers--An Example of the Taipei Area |
作 者 | 郭芳琪; 黃思綺; 劉泰宏; | 書刊名 | 運動知識學報 |
卷 期 | 1 民93.06 |
頁 次 | 頁95-122 |
分類號 | 990.1 |
關鍵詞 | 上班族; 運動休閒; 參與行為; 參與動機; 阻礙因素; Workers; Recreational sports; Participation behavior; Participation motivation; The factors of constraints; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為了瞭解臺北地區上班族參與運動休閒的動機和阻礙他們選擇運動休閒的因素,探討臺北地區上班族對運動休閒的相關研究,針對性別、年齡、行業、職務、學歷、收入了解自變項的差異,同時對參與運動休閒的行為、動機、阻礙因素加以探討,以大臺北地區上班族進行隨機抽樣,總共發出300份問卷。研究結果發現: 一、在基本資料整體回收266份有效問卷中,女性比男性多,約佔6:4之比例;年齡以二十歲~二十五歲佔最多;行業別以服務業佔多數;職務以行政人員居多;學歷以專科佔最多;月收入方面以20,001~30,000元居多。 二、在參與行為分析中方面,從事運動休閒通常以假日佔156人之比例最高;從事時間以下午佔72人最多;每週參與的次數以「一~二次」佔188人,比例為最高;每次參與的時間以「二小時」佔135人,比例為最高;通常都和家人一起從事運動休閒佔131人為最多;前往從事運動休閒地點最主要的方式為徒92人為最多;到達運動休閒地點以「十~三十分鐘」佔158人的比例為最高;從事運動休閒以不需要固定線交費用佔217人為大多數;從事運動休閒以每月花費「0元」佔117人的比例最高;從事運動休閒通常是在公園佔72人為最多;從事健行佔98人最多、慢跑佔84人次多。 三、運動休閒的參與動機總共萃取出3個構面因素,分別為「智力與刺激性因素」、「外在與陪伴因素」、「環境因素」與「場地與時間因素」。 四、以獨立樣本t檢分析性別在運動休閒參與動機之差異性,在「智力與刺激性因素」、「勝任性因素」與「社交性因素」三個構面上皆達顯著;分析阻礙因素之差異性,在「運動相關因素」、「外在陪伴因素」、「環境因素」與「場地與時間因素」四個構面上皆達顯著,而在「自我條件因素」和「親友意見因素」皆未達顯著。 五、單因子變異數分析運動休閒參與動機,年齡在「智力與刺激性因素」與「勝任性素」;行業在「勝任性因素」與「社交性因素」;職務在「智力與刺激性因素」;學歷在「智力與刺激性因素」;月收入在「智力與刺激性因素」、「勝任性因素」與「社交性因素」均達顯著差異。其它則是無顯著性差異之產生。分析阻礙因素,年齡在「運動相關因素」、「自我條件因素」、「外在與陪伴因素」、「環境因素」;行業在「運動相關因素」、「自我條件因素」、「外在與陪素」、「環境因素」與「場地與時間因素」;職務在「運動相關因素」、「親友意見因素」、「外在與陪伴因素」、「環境因素」與「場地與時間因素」;學歷在「運動相關因素」、「自我條件因素」、「外在與陪伴因素」與「場地與時間因素」;月收入在「運動相關因素」、「自我條件因素」、「親友意見因素」、「外在與陪伴因素」、「環境因素」與「場地與時間因素」均達顯著差異。其也則是無顯著性差異之產生。 |
英文摘要 | This study is aimed to research workers in Taipei with different variance, such as gender, age, profession, duty, education background, monthly income would have different demands of recreational sports participation motivation and the factors of constrains. Moreover, in order to have further understanding of the type of participation motivation, behavior, the factors of constraints of recreational sports related research. Total 300 workers in Taipei are sampling. The results indicated: 1.Among 266 valid questionnaires, the percentage of female to male is six to four and the age of most people is between 20to 25; most are service industry ; nest are administrative personnel; most are training school; monthly income of majority is 20001~30000. 2. Analysis of recreational sports behavior : 156 workers taking exercise on weekend; and 72 workers taking exercise in afternoon; 188 workers taking exercise between one and two times; and 131 workers work on the recreational sports with “family”’ and 92 workers walk to sport place; and 158 workers spend between 10 an 330 minutes walk to sports place; and 217 workers don’t need to pay expense stable; and 117 workers taking exercise spend “0”; and 72 workers doing exercise in part; there are 98 workers of walk of movement, 84 workers of jogging, 71 workers of swim 69 workers of badminton, 53 workers of basketball. 3. There are three factors selected from the motivations of recreational sports: “Intellectual”, “Social” and “Competence-Mastery”; there six factors selected from the factors of constraints of recreational sports: “Related to sports”, “Self-condition”, “Relatives and Friends Opinions”, “External and Company”, “Environment” and Place and Time”. 4. Under t-test analysis, in category of the participation motivation of recreational sports, there is significant difference in difference in “Intellectual”, “Social” and” Competence-Mastery”. In category of the factors of constraints, there is significant difference in “Related to sports”, “External and Company” “Environment” and “Place and Time”, but there is no significant difference in “Self-Condition” and “Relatives and Friends Opinions”. 5. All variance operated by One-Way ANOVA in the area of the category of the participation motivation indicated that age in “Intellectual” and “Competence-Mastery”; profession in “Competence-Mastery” and “Social”; duty in “Intellectual”, education background din “Intellectual”;’ monthly income in “Intellectual”, “Competence-Mastery” and “Social”; all are show significant differences, others are no significant differences. In the area of the category of the factors of constraints indicated that age in “Related to sports”, “Relatives and Friends Opinions”, “External and Company” and “Environment”; profession in “Related to sports”, “Self-Condition” , “External and Company”, “Environment” and “Place and Time”.; duty in “Related to sports”, :Relatives and Friends Opinions”, “External and Company”, “Environment” and Place and Time”; education background in “Related to sports”, “self-Condition”, “External and Company” and “Place and Time”; monthly income in “Related t sports.”, “Self-Condition”, “Relatives and Friends Opinions”, “External and Company”, “Environment” and “Place and Time”; all are show significant differences, others are no significant differences. |