題 名 | An Empirical Study of a Case-Based Urban Planning Support System=案例式都市規劃支援系統之實證研究 |
作 者 | 鄒克萬; 張學聖; | 書刊名 | 臺灣地理資訊學刊 |
卷 期 | 1 民93.10 |
頁 次 | 頁1-15 |
分類號 | 445.1 |
關鍵詞 | 都市規劃支援系統; 案例式系統; 知識工程; 認知理論; Urban planning support system; Case-based system; Knowledge engineering; Cognitive theory; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 以往都市規劃支援系統的發展,由於規劃知識的高度複雜性與不易結構化的特性,造成專家知識擷取困難,以致系統發展成效受到影響。近年來以案例式為基礎之支援系統逐漸受到重視,因此本文將探討以都市規劃知識為基礎之案例式新型系統之發展方法與幾個系統發展之關鍵技術,以彌補以往都市規劃支援系統發展的不足。文中一則將探討案例的展現與擷取等階段,其系統運作設計構想與方法;另外,亦將探討以認知理論為基礎的知識工程方式,以確實掌握使用者行為進而作為系統設計之基礎。同時透過實驗性系統之運作,可用以檢證系統之發展理論與發展方法。 |
英文摘要 | The high complexity of planning knowledge and the difficulty of structuralization have fostered the uneasy procurement of professional knowledge and have deterred the development of urban planning support systems. A new type of case-based system has received extensive attention recently. This article presents a new case-based planning support system approach and key techniques of system development to overcome the inadequate developments of previous urban planning support systems. In this article, we study the design ideas and methods of system operation for the phase of case-based development and procurement; on the other hand, we also study how to apply the knowledge engineering techniques which are based on cognitive theory to actually control user’s behavior to further become the basis of system design. Meanwhile, we operate an experimental system to examine how the developmental theory and the methodology of the system are formed. |