題 名 | 大專院校甲組足球聯賽比賽得分之探討--以中國文化大學足球隊為例=Grade a Soccer Tournament--Chinese Culture University Soccer Team |
作 者 | 林南明; | 書刊名 | 文化體育學刊 |
卷 期 | 3 2005.06[民94.06] |
頁 次 | 頁127-131 |
分類號 | 528.951 |
關鍵詞 | 大專院校; 足球; 比賽得分; University; Soccer; Scores; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解中國文化大學足球隊比賽中射門得分情形,以做為日後訓練參考依據;以中國文化大學十九位男子足球選手,平均身高169.9公分,平均體重67.4公斤,平均年齡20.7歲,平均球齡7.4年,參加九十二學年大專院校甲組足球聯賽之十四場比賽為研究對象,利用SHARP(VL-A10U) Hi-Fi V8錄影機錄存比賽得分過程,並記錄所有六十七個入球得分情形。以比賽中不同分段時間;不同射門區域;不同職司位置;不同進攻方式等四種狀況得分情形及其差異進行探討。本研究資料處理,以單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA)分析進行考驗。所得的結果如下:體能狀況的影響,導致入球時段集中在比賽尾聲;防守及補位的觀念,導致入球區域集中在球門區線與罰球區線間;傳統與穩定的作戰策略仍是以前鋒為進攻主力;小區域的短傳球為得分主要攻擊方式。由結果發現,體能訓練與防守觀念是文化大學足球隊日後訓練重點。 |
英文摘要 | This study analyses the goals scored in the 14 matches with Chinese Culture University Soccer Team participating at the 2003 University Grade A Soccer Tournament. The subject's average height is 169.9cm; average weight is 67.4kg average age is 20.7yr; average learning is 7.4 yr. We filmed with SHARP Hi-Fi video recorder and watched the attack and the process of getting scores in each game and recorded all 67 shots as well. This research was made as in terms of four parts: on different time points; in different areas; in different player positions; with different methods. The results were put to the one-way ANOVA analysis. The results were as follows: because of the influence of players' abilities, most scores were gained at the end of game. The concepts of defense and alternate players lead the goals dropped between by-line and foul-line. The traditional and static aggressive strategy still mainly relies on forward attackers. The short attack is the best way to score. According to the results of this research, players' the training of players' abilities and the concepts of defense are two aims for Chinese Culture University Soccer Team. |