- When the Charter of Fundamental Rights Becomes Part of the EU Constitution Treaty--Analyses of New EU Human Rights Framework
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題 名 | When the Charter of Fundamental Rights Becomes Part of the EU Constitution Treaty--Analyses of New EU Human Rights Framework=當「基本權利憲章」成為「歐盟憲法條約」之一部分--新歐盟人權架構之分析 |
作 者 | 廖福特; | 書刊名 | 臺北大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 56 2005.06[民94.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-40 |
分類號 | 579.27 |
關鍵詞 | 歐盟憲法條約; 基本權利憲章; 人權架構; 歐洲共同體; 歐洲聯盟; 歐洲人權公約; 歐洲社會憲章; EU constitution treaty; Charter of fundamental rights; Human rights framework; European union; European community; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 歐盟憲法條約簽訂後將歐盟基本權利憲章納為其第二部分,本文分析其對歐盟人權架構之影響。因此本文首先分析此歐盟新人權架構之內容,本文認為此新架構主要是將歐盟基本權利憲章使人權條款明確化,而在歐盟原有人權體系中,例如歐洲公民、四大自由、共同外交及安全與司法合作領域方面,則只是將其重新整編,並無重大改變。其次,因為新歐盟人權架構包括人權條款、人權原則及一般法律原則,因此本文第二至第四部分分別分析此三個議題。在人權條款部分,本文探究歐盟基本權利憲章之立法歷史,簽訂後之發展狀況及其權利內涵,本文認為歐盟基本權利憲章之簽訂是歐盟人權領域之重大發展,其雖為宣言之形式,但已有人權典章之實質地位,其內容為國際人權之獨創,未來如果歐盟會員國全部批准歐盟憲法條約,則歐盟基本權利憲章當然將成為具有法律拘束力之人權典章,但是既使歐盟憲法條約未能順利通過,歐盟基本權利憲章依然會被依一般法律原則而適用。在人權原則部分,本文認為新歐盟人權架構使得人權原則成為較不重要之內涵,或是順序較後之理想。在一般法律原則部分,本人認為既然歐盟憲法條約已規定歐盟法律優於會員國國內法,因此不需要在歐盟憲法條約規定過度依賴國內法律之條文。最後有關歐盟與歐洲理事會之人權條約之關係,本文認為雖然歐盟憲法條約已規定歐盟應加入歐洲人權公約,但是仍需要面對一些困難,而歐盟並無加入歐洲社會憲章之意願。 |
英文摘要 | The EU Constitution Treaty adopted the Charter of Fundamental Rights into its part Ⅱ. This essay reviews the impacts of such new EU human rights framework. Therefore, this essay first goes over the contents of this framework. It believes that the most important impact is to provide substantial human rights provisions by the Charter. In other fields, such as rights of European citizens, four freedoms, common foreign policy and security and judicial co-operation, there are no tremendous amendments, but to reconstruct. Secondly, since such new human rights framework includes human rights provisions, principles and genera1 principles of law. The second to fourth parts of this essay consider these issues respectively. Concerning human rights provisions it examines the drafting history, developments and contents of the Charter. It is argued that the Charter has important impacts to the EU. The Charter is unique in international human rights system. Although it is still a declaration, it has in a way become a “Bill of Rights” for the EU. When the Constitution Treaty is ratified by all member states, the Charter will be a legal binding instrument. However, even the Constitution Treaty fails; the Charter will be employed as a general principle of law. In the field of human rights principles, this essay argues that the Constitution Treaty makes a human rights principle as “second-tier” right or an ideal that can only be achieved in the future. Regarding general principles of law, this essay argues that, as the EU laws are supreme to domestic laws, there is no need to put provisions emphasizing laws of member states. It also argues that, although the Constitution Treaty instructs the EU to access to the European Convention on Human Rights, such procedure will face three stages of problems. The EU is claimed having no intention to access to the European Social Charter. |