- 價格競爭,共同套裝旅遊與遊客度假生活型態
- 經理人固守職位與資本結構
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- Solving Integer Programming Problems with a Variable Number of Switching Costs, Balking and Feedback
- 顧客關係管理與品牌形象對顧客忠誠度之影響--以轉換成本為干擾變數
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題 名 | 價格競爭,共同套裝旅遊與遊客度假生活型態=Price Competition, Joint-Packaged Tour and Tourists' Lifestyle |
作 者 | 賀力行; 李堯賢; 楊琮泰; | 書刊名 | 管理研究學報 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2005.01[民94.01] |
頁 次 | 頁55-76 |
分類號 | 992.2 |
關鍵詞 | 共同套裝旅遊; 無削價均衡; 轉換成本; 景點專屬環境舒適性; Joint-Packaged tour; Undercut-Proof equilibrium; Switch cost; Site-Specific environmental amenities; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文考量遊客的度假生活型態以及廠商景點設施的隨屬環境舒適性並利用無削價均衡(Undercut-proof equilibrium,UPE)觀念,分析廠商實施共同套裝旅遊的策略聯盟對廠商景點設施的定價與利潤水準,遊客旅遊效用以及對社會福利的影響效果,廠商無論有無參與共同套裝旅遊路線的策略聯盟,其間的價何競爭與利潤水準皆會受到遊客度假生活型態屬性傾向強度的影響。而遊客人數的增加是否會影響破商間的價格競爭,也需視遊客度假生活型態性傾向強度而定。從整體社會福利而言,在遊客對廠商景點設施所專屬環境舒適性的總合評價相對較高或充分高的情況下,實施共同套裝旅遊的策略聯盟才會具有經濟效率。 |
英文摘要 | This paper develops a model for capturing tourist’s lifestyles and firm’s site-specific environmental amenities in the joint-packaged tour strategy alliance. Using the undercut-proof equilibrium, our model examines the effect of firm’s joint-packaged tour strategy alliance on the firm’s scenic facility price, profit, and social welfare. Our results show that price competition between firms and the firm’s profit level are affected by the intensity of tourist’s lifestyle preferences. Whether increasing the number of tourists influences price competition between firms is also dependent on the intensity of tourists’ lifestyle preferences. From the social welfare viewpoint, we find that the firms are profitable to perform the joint-packaged tour strategy alliance under the condition that the tourists give the site-specific environmental amenities of the firms’ scenic facility relatively or sufficiently high valuation. |