題 名 | 企業採用創新技術之影響因素--以WAP應用為例=The Determinants of Corporate Adoption of Innovative Technology--An Example of WAP Application |
作 者 | 郭更生; 別蓮蒂; 商倩鳳; 張洪瑞; | 書刊名 | 臺大管理論叢 |
卷 期 | 14:1 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁217-261 |
分類號 | 555.8 |
關鍵詞 | 創新技術採用; 演進中技術; 網路效應; 轉換成本; 先佔優勢; Adoption of innovative technology; Evolving technology; Network effect; Switching cost; First-mover advantage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究針對國內採用WAP技術之廠商,作個案分析研究,以建構企業採用創新通訊技術之決策架構。個案對象為三家行動電話系統業者、一家銀行與兩家開發WAP應用機制之業者。研究結果發現許多在過去創新採用相關文獻中較少強調的因素,皆有其關鍵性影響力,其中「演進中技術特性」和過去探討的穩定技術明顯不同,尤重動態性分析;行動通訊服務屬於系統性產品,技術與系統之相容性會產生「網路效應」;「產業環境」中競爭及技術供應商因素,常為採用創新的誰動力;「先佔優勢」中的品牌形象、顧客轉換成本、組織學習曲線效應、網路效應之形成更是重要評估因素。而過去文獻中經常提及的「組織因素」,亦為重要影響因素之一。此外亦發現,上述因素彼此問有相互影響的作用。本研究結果可供企業在採用具類似特性之新技術時參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of adopting the telecommunication innovative technology, through a case-based study of three telecommunication operators, one bank, and two WAP solution providers, who have adopted the WAP technology. The results show that the major factors in the decision model are the evolving characteristics of the technology, network effects, industrial environment, and first-mover advantages. Also, the first-mover advantage is considered to be established from brand image, customers' switching costs, organizational learning effects, and network effects. The organizational factors, which were emphasized in previous studies, are also important in the WAP adoption decision. These determinants are interactively evaluated in the adoption decision process. |