題 名 | 供應鏈夥伴關係關係性成本之觀念性分析程序=A Conceptual Analysis Procedure for the Relational Cost of Partnership in the Supply Chain System |
作 者 | 林立千; 黃國勝; | 書刊名 | 管理研究學報 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2005.01[民94.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-25 |
分類號 | 494.5 |
關鍵詞 | 關係性成本; 夥伴關係; 供應鏈管理; Relational cost; Partnership; Supply chain management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 進入1990年代以來,供應鏈管理逐漸風行,許多研究皆為其宣稱可以改善供應鏈成員整體競爭力,如降低全面成本。要使供應鏈運作順暢,企業成員間必須擁有緊密合作關係,而夥伴關係則視為是最適合供應鏈成員的關係類型。然而夥伴關係之建立亦會帶來額外成本,但在以往研究中卻時常被忽略,本文即在探討夥伴關係之特性,並提出一分析架構,應用生命週期成本、全面成本和關係性效益等方式,以建立一觀念性分析程序,協助管理者對關係性成本進行量化管理,以促使供應鏈管理體系往降低全面成本的目標邁進。 |
英文摘要 | Since the 1990s, the supply chain system management received most research attention and has been prompted that it can improve the competitive advantages of the supply chain members as a whole, for example, reducing the total cost of the supply chain. To make the supply chain function well, the relationships among chain members needs to be tightened up and the partnership has been considered to be the most appropriate way for the supply chain member relationship. However, the partnership also incurred some extra cost. This research is to investigate the characteristics of the partnership in the supply chain system, and proposes a methodology to quantify the cost incurred in setting up the partnership which was completely ignored in the previous research. The concepts of “life cycle cost”, “total cost of ownership” and “relational benefits” are adopted in this research to establish a conceptual model for the “relational cost” in the supply chain system with partnership. |