題 名 | 醫院整合行銷傳播之策略分析=Strategy Analysis for Hospital Integrated Marketing Communications |
作 者 | 林懿貞; 傅新彬; 林肇哲; 簡世恩; | 書刊名 | 商管科技季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:1 2005.03[民94.03] |
頁 次 | 頁115-136 |
分類號 | 419.4 |
關鍵詞 | 醫院行銷4P; 公共關係傳播; 整合行銷傳播; Product; Price; Place; Promotion; Hospital marketing 4P; Public relation communications; Integrate marketing communications; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中央健保局為了平衡全民健保龐大的醫療支出,自2002年推行全民健保西醫醫院總額支付新制,以致各醫療院所的經營管理遭逢莫大的挑戰,整合行銷傳播逐漸為企業用來提升形象之利器;因此,各醫療院所如何在未來不確定的醫療市場上取得優勢,創造醫院永續發展之契機,便成為其經營最重要之關鍵。本研究之研究目的如下:1.瞭解集團內部員工對醫院行銷與醫院公共關係傳播之認知及重視程度;2.探討醫院行銷4P對集團內部員工就醫決策時的影響;3.針對個案醫院提出一有效之醫院整合行銷傳播策略,提供醫院管理者之重要參考依據。 本研究以南部某知名集團為研究對象,由於該集團於南部成立一家醫院,加上該集團旗下公司為數眾多,所以初期將集團內部員工視為主要顧客群,利用員工所屬機構與人口統計變數探討在醫院行銷及醫院公共關係傳播之間的關係與差異性,因此本研究利用問卷調查法針對集團內部員工進行研究分析,總共發放300份問卷(四家鋼鐵廠240份;大學50份;醫院10份),回收之有效問卷為289份(回收率96.33%)。研究結果發現,員工們最常看診之科目為內科與耳鼻喉科,但偏愛選擇大醫院就診,且尚未建立一長期互動之就醫習慣;在醫院之醫療環境與服務上,員工們認為醫院應提供員工及眷屬定期健康檢查與增加醫院之先進醫療設備;在醫院公共關係傳播構面上,員工們認為醫院應擁有處理醫療糾紛能力與提供病人心理輔導之服務,且醫院之公共關係傳播較能影響女性員工之就醫選擇。期望研究發現能使個案醫院在未來之行銷規劃、公共關係傳播之推展以及組織內部之強化有所幫助,使醫院管理更具效率。 |
英文摘要 | In order to balance the huge medical payout of the National Health Insurance(NHI), the Bureau of National Health Insurance(BNHI)has carried out the new policy of the NHI global budget payment since 2002; as a result and so that the operation management of all the medical care organizations has encountered a great challenge. Integrated marketing communications(IMC)is always the excellent tool for busine sses to promote their images. Therefore, to obtain the advantage from the unsure medical care market in the future and create the opportunities for continuous development become the most important key point of the operation for all the medical organizations.The purposes of this research are as the followings: 1.To realize the understanding of the employees in the organization and how much they value about the public relation communications for hospital marketing. 2.To explore the influence of hospital marketing 4P on the decisions of the employees in the organization for seeing a doctor.3.In accordance with a certain hospital, this study provided an effective hospital Integrated Marketing Communications(IMC)strategy to provide the hospital managers with important reference materials. The research studies a hospital that will be inaugurated in 2004 by a famous organization in southern Taiwan. With hospital marketing, hospital public relation communications, and population statistic variables these three structures, we conducted research analyses on the employees of the organization. We used case analysis and structured questionnaire investigation as our research methods and delivered 300 questionnaires. There were 289 effective questionnaires returned(return rate:96.3%)We found that the employees most often went to the departments of internal medicine and ear-nose-throat, and prefer large hospitals. Besides that, they haven’t acquired the habit of long-term contact while they see a doctor. About the medical environment and services of the hospital, the employees proposed that the hospital should supply the employees and their families with regular medical examinations, and promote its advanced medical equipment.On the structure of hospital public relation communications, employees consider that the hospital should possess the ability of dealing with medical treatment dispute, and supply the patients with the service of psychological guidance. The result has shown that the public relation communications for hospital marketing have more influence on the choices of female employees while they see a doctor.This leads to help this case hospital with the future marketing planning, the improvement of public relation communications, and the enhancement of the inside organizations. With the above, this study aims to make the hospital more efficient. |