題 名 | 兒童發展篩檢測驗工具之探查=An Exploration of Developmental Screening Tests for Children |
作 者 | 陳純真; 李怡娟; 簡莉盈; | 書刊名 | 護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 52:1 2005.02[民94.02] |
頁 次 | 頁44-49 |
分類號 | 173.1 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童發展; 發展篩檢測驗; 早期介入; Child development; Developmental screening test; Early intervention; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 護理人員是第一線接觸嬰幼兒的人員,若能善用發展篩檢工具,在早期發現、早期介入上,扮有舉足輕重的角色。本文對國內醫療界常用的發展篩檢工具做一回顧,並對目前國內研發出來的發展篩檢工具作一探討,期能提供護理同仁選擇嬰幼兒發展篩檢工具時的參考。考察國內常用之發展篩檢工具,大都沿用國外之工具加以編修制訂而成,且已年代久遠,其常模已不適合現今國內兒重。由文獻查證得知,發展受環境、文化、養育方式之不同而有所不同,甚至在相同文化下,仍有城鄉等區域不同而造成的差距。故要發展適合國人的兒童發展篩檢工具,需要制訂符合現今國內兒重發展的常模。如今已有依國內兒重之發展編製而成的「嬰幼兒綜合發展測驗」。但有些源自國外編修而成之發展篩檢工具,已有多個國家將之制訂個別國家的常模,國內若也能依台灣兒童制訂常模,仍不失為簡單而有效的評量工具,且能進一步做國際比較之研究。 |
英文摘要 | Nurses are the first group of professionals to come into contact with infants. If they can use developmental screening tests effectively, they can be expected to make early identification of developmental disabilities in children. This review discusses developmental screening tests that have been developed in Taiwan to serve as a reference for nurses. It found that most of the developmental screening tests used in Taiwan have been modified from tools developed in Western countries and the norms are not suitable for current Taiwanese children. Even in the same country, it is still necessary to develop local norms in order to address cultural differences. A Taiwanese developmental test, the comprehensive Developmental Inventory for Infants and Toddlers, with norms developed through work on Taiwanese children, was published in 2002. But some well-known international tools are valid and easy to administer, and have been standardized in many countries. If the norms for Taiwanese children could be established for use with these international tools, then these tools could be used to compare developmental outcomes in different countries. |