- 證據保全之認知與運用
- 處分權主義、辯論主義之新容貌及機能演變--著重於評析其如何受最近立法走向所影響及相關理論背景:民訴法研究會第七十二次研討紀錄
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- 民事訴訟上之適時審判請求權
- 家事事件法講座:離婚請求之訴訟標的選定及其裁判基礎之事實證據蒐集
- 比較民事訴訟法下的當事人圖像--由審理基本原則、證據收集權及證明度切入
- 民事訴訟法上之基礎原則及其關聯
- 辯論主義與處分權主義
- 事證開示義務與舉證責任(下)--由臺北地方法院八九年度簡上字第八一五號判決出發
- 事證開示義務與舉證責任(上)--由臺北地方法院八九年度簡上字第八一五號判決出發
題 名 | 證據保全之認知與運用=The Tweory and Application of Evidence Preservation |
作 者 | 劉玉中; | 書刊名 | 玄奘法律學報 |
卷 期 | 2 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁333-366 |
分類號 | 586.131 |
關鍵詞 | 證據保全; 證據收集; 證據開示; 現代型訴訟; 具體的釋明與抽象的釋明; 辯論主義; 處分權主義; 訴訟與非訟; Evidence preservation; Evidence collection; Discovery; Modern litigation; Adversary system; Party presentation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民國八十九年修正之民事訴訟法,就證據保全部分有所變革。除應體認修正後的證據保全之制度性定位,可作為證據收集制度態樣之一外,更應致力於探究如何有效的運作新修正之證據保全程序,方能貫徹修正證據保全制度所欲達成之目的。本文分析證據保全之不同類型,探究各該類型所著重之功能與性質,就證據保全程序運作上之相關事項,諸如聲請方式、費用負擔、法院之審查、證據調查方式、不服從之制裁,以及證據保全之結果運用等問題加以探討,以求達成證據保全修正之實效性與程序運作之順暢性。 |
英文摘要 | Civil Procedure Law of Taiwan, amended in year 2000, enacted a revolutionary change in the evidence preservation. The public and academics need not only to understand that the position of the newly amended evidence preservation rules has become part of the schemes/mechanisms of the evidence collection system, but also to research delicately on putting the newly modified evidence preservation procedure into good practice and then achieve the object of the amendment. This article introduces different types of evidence preservation and explores the differences in functions and characteristics of each type. Furthermore, the article tries to explain the questions related to the operation of evidence preservation procedure, such as the application, cost charges, procedure verification from the court, methods of discovery, sanction of disobedience from authority, and the presentation of preservation results, for the accomplishment of practical usage of amendment and smooth procedure operation. |